→Description of the route
At km 4.8 (420m) you reach a wide area, under the shade of the forest. It is an excellent place to rest and to make pic-nic. It may take a while to pick up the trace after this point: aim not at the part above, but in the direction you were walking.
Follow the most attractive section of all, with denser forest. The walk continues without interruptions or bifurcations. You will pass by a wooden sign indicating "Quebrada del Tigre: private area", and then by some clearings. A fence will cross (km 6.0 - 427) and continue until km 6.3 (455m) point where the track begins its descent towards the South, entering a more dispersed vegetation area. If you have energy, you can continue and complete the [[Clear Water Crossing Travesía Aguas Claras - Quebrada del Tigre]] in the opposite direction, but for those looking for a shorter trip this point has been defined as the end of the Quebrada del Tigre route. Tiger.
== Recommendations ==