
ENG:Río Ventisquero

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[[ES:Río Ventisquero]]
{{Rutas Patrimoniales english}}
|Atractivos=Glaciar, Bosque
|Duracion=3 horas o menos
Poco Exigente
|Sendero=Siempre Claro
There are 4 alternative accesses to the route:
#From Chaitén in the north along route 7 (Southern Longitudinal Highway); the first 15 kilometers are asphalt, passing through the settlements of El Amarillo and Puerto Cárdenas, and then a good gravel road that is useable all year round.
#From Futaleufú taking CH – 231 to Puerto Ramirez and then route CH –235 235 to Santa Lucía, connecting with route 7 to the north. 109 kilometers of gravel road in good condition, useable all year round, with chains during periods of winter snow.#From Palena taking route CH – 235 to Puerto Ramirez and then route CH –235 235 to Santa Lucía, connecting with route 7 to the north. 89 kilometers of gravel road in good condition, useable all year round, with chains during periods of winter snow.
#From La Junta taking route 7. 101 kilometers of gravel road in good condition, useable all year round, with chains during periods of winter snow.
to take photographs, enjoy the views of
ice or calmly go in search of the
Huet–Huet HuetHuet or Chucao.<br>
The route is divided into two
that feeds it. You will be able to hear
the spectacular sound of the bird fauna
in these forests – the huet-huet
(Pteroptochos Tarnii), Chucao and
Churrín del Sur (Scytalopus