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ENG:Río Ventisquero

2803 bytes añadidos, 23:14 18 dic 2018
Texto reemplazado: «{{RutaForm2_english» por «{{RutaForme»
[[ES:Río Ventisquero]][[category:KMZconPuntos]]{{DraftBorrador}}{{Rutas Patrimoniales english}}{{RutaForme|Actividad=Trekking  |País=Chile(english)|CiudadesChile=Chaitén|BellezaEscenica=Mediana|Atractivos=Glaciar, Bosque|Duracion=3 horas o menos  |Sendero=Siempre Claro|Señalizacion=Adecuado|Infraestructura=Inexistente |Latitud1=-43,276253|Longitud1=-72,420461|Distancia=0 |MetrosAscenso=|MetrosDescenso=|Comentarios distancia=|AltitudMedia=|Primer Autor=Rutas Patrimoniales|Imágen Principal=RíoVentisquero1.jpg|ComentariosImagen=Vista a Ventisquero Yelcho. Imagen: Alexis Letelier|KMLZ=Rio_Ventisquero.kmz|ComentariosMapa=Ruta al Río Ventisquero {{aportar track}}|ComparteIdayRetorno=Ida y Retorno por la misma ruta|TipoDeMap=HYBRID}} 
There are 4 alternative accesses to the route:
#From Chaitén in the north along route 7 (Southern Longitudinal Highway); the first 15 kilometers are asphalt, passing through the settlements of El Amarillo and Puerto Cárdenas, and then a good gravel road that is useable all year round.
#From Futaleufú taking CH – 231 to Puerto Ramirez and then route CH –235 235 to Santa Lucía, connecting with route 7 to the north. 109 kilometers of gravel road in good condition, useable all year round, with chains during periods of winter snow.#From Palena taking route CH – 235 to Puerto Ramirez and then route CH –235 235 to Santa Lucía, connecting with route 7 to the north. 89 kilometers of gravel road in good condition, useable all year round, with chains during periods of winter snow.
#From La Junta taking route 7. 101 kilometers of gravel road in good condition, useable all year round, with chains during periods of winter snow.
==General Descrption==
The Ventisquero River heritage route is right along the southern highway, 59 kilometers southeast of Chaitén. It is a 6 km long trail there and back
through temperate rainforests, one of the most attractive landscapes in Chilean Patagonia. Its biodiversity and endemism,with ecosystems in hidden valleys, are huge attractions for nature lovers, as are also the beautiful views of the hanging glaciers that one can enjoy while walking the route.<br>
Together with observation of
various species of flora, you will be able
to get to know more about our bird fauna,
our rivers and mountains.<br>
It takes two hours to walk the route
there and back, but we recommend
spending longer so as to be able to enjoy
the beautiful sites where you will be able
to take photographs, enjoy the views of
ice or calmly go in search of the
HuetHuet or Chucao.<br>
The route is divided into two
sections. The first is 1.3 kilometers long
and concentrates mainly on identifying
species such as Coigüe, Luma,
Cinnamon tree, among others, and also
on enjoying the first views of the
Ventisquero River glacier.<br>
Section two is slightly longer at 1.6
kilometers. It offers the possibility of
observing the rich undergrowth
dominated by different kinds of fern and
moss, as well as also more frequent
observation of the typical birds that
inhabit these humid forests. At the
end, you will be able to enjoy an
extraordinary view of the
Ventisquero River glacier.<br>
We invite those of you who
think of Patagonia as a destination
for exploring rather more than just
traditional roads to walk this
interesting route, which is suitable
for all ages and where you will be
able to combine family recreation
with adventurous passage through
the forests and their surroundings.
==Route description==
===EL FOGON – - LLANO DE LAS NALCASFirst segment==='''El fogón - Llano de las Nalcas''' 
The route starts in the parking
lot, SNUPIE 1, on the northern bank
that you have enough time for the
full route and for a well-deserved
picnic or camp, if you get enthused.<br> 
From SNUPIE 1, you can see
SNUPIE 2 only a few meters from
tables there, where you can take a
comfortable rest before continuing your
You will notice from SNUPIE 2
that the trail is well-marked, and it
will see a typical adult cinnamon tree;
take the right-hand trail to keep on the
right track.<br> 
You will find the typical formation
of a temperate forest, characterized by
Dombeyi) and Cinnamon Trees (Drimys
Winteri), standing in the most protected,
wettest parts of the valleys.<br> 
The Cinnamon tree has a straight,
cylindrical trunk, it climbs 30 meters
wood is used in construction, for making
furniture and for manufacturing musical
Leaving SNUPIE 3 behind, you
will see large communities of Quila in
the forest’s lower canopy; when dry,
these help to spread forest fires, so we
re c o m m e n d t a k i n g m a x i m u mrecommend taking maximumprecautions.<br> 
Continue along the well-marked
trail to SNUPIE 4, where the quila
crystal clear waters of the streams that
you will soon cross. Prefer the latter
for drinking.<br> 
From SNUPIE 4, take the trail
along the banks of the Ventisquero River
that feeds it. You will be able to hear
the spectacular sound of the bird fauna
in these forests – the huet-huet
(Pteroptochos Tarnii), Chucao and
Churrín del Sur (Scytalopus
To continue, follow the main trail
from SNUPIE 5 as it leaves the banks
clearly distinguish between Coigües
and their neighbor, the Cinnamon
From SNUPIE 6, continue
through the forest on firm ground,
other aspects, such as the steeply
sloping main drainage basin, have
visibly marked the valley.<br> 
Continue up the valley from
SNUPIE 7, entering a sector of thick
the myrtle, but they are longer and
more aromatic. It grows to a height
of 20 meters.<br> 
From SNUPIE 8, enter the
Cinnamon, Coigüe and Luma forest
rainforests, mainly associated, as is
the cinnamon tree, with very damp
areas and deeper soils.<br> 
As you leave SNUPIE 9, you will
come upon a stream that you have to
a gloomy forest - SNUPIE 10. Be
careful of the bridge’s slippery surface
when you cross.<br> 
Light penetrates to the floor of
the forest notoriously less at SNUPIE
allows countless species of flora adapted
to these conditions to grow; these include
fungi, moss, lichen and ferns.<br> 
Continue along the trail for a few
meters until you come to the marks of a
skirt a small stream to a unique
community of Gunneras (Gunnera
When you reach SNUPIE 11, take
care not to continue along the trail; at
immediately and continue along a new
trail that crosses open land without any
There you will be able to note other
species, such as the Chilco, with its
traditional curantos (a mainly shellfish
dish cooked in a hole in the ground) and
their roots for tanning.<br> 
After crossing the above stream,
you will come to a crossroads; take
the right-hand trail and you will soon
see SNUPIE 12.<br> 
SNUPIE 12 is in a sector
dominated by secondary Coigüe
come the secondary growth and finally,
after hundreds or thousands of years,
the formation of an adult forest.<br> 
As you leave SNUPIE 12 follow
the trail along the valley, parallel to
SNUPIE 13, the end of the open area
and of section 1, just a few meters
further on.<br> ===LLANO DE LAS NALCAS -– MIRADOR ALTOSecond segment==='''Llano de las Nalcas - Mirador Alto'''<br> 
At the start of the second section,
the Quilas give way to a wide variety
of ferns that enrich the lower canopy
and allow one to admire the colors,
shapes and textures of these forests.<br> 
From SNUPIE 13, start up a slight
climb along the only trail that there is
meters from the SNUPIE you will climb
up a small rock step along a sporadic
watercourse. Follow that watercourse.<br> 
Abundant tepas do not grow here
by chance, since the land is often flooded,
which is a common condition for these
As you follow the stony trail you
will come upon SNUPIE 14 just as you
of ferns and mosses, as the biodiversity
of the species begins to show itself in
all of its splendor.<br> 
Continue in the same direction
from SNUPIE 14 and then take a left,
see SNUPIE 15, an ideal site for
recovering your strength and
replenishing your supply of water.<br> 
Shortly after leaving this SNUPIE,
you will once again enter an adult
forest of cinnamon trees (Drimys
Winteri), with some less abundant
species of Tepa and Coigüe.<br> 
The ground is muddier as you
continue on to SNUPIE 16, the start
flows and evokes a mind-picture of the
difficulties faced by early explorers in
crossing these rivers.<br> 
On passing SNUPIE 16, enter a
small stand of tepas and lumas and
SNUPIE 17, which will indicate the
way through the quilas to continue on
along the main trail.<br> 
From SNUPIE 17 climb slightly
on firm ground to a forest of young
leaves, smooth bark and fruit that
matures in January, grows in extremely
wet forests from Cautín to Taitao.<br> 
From SNUPIE 18, skirt the
escarpment of the main river,
mainly of Chilcos, and a wide variety
of ferns. Note that the quila has
When you reach SNUPIE 19, you
will have a view of the Ventisquero
to cross over a small stream and then
SNUPIE 20, the third point with access
to water.<br> 
SNUPIE 20 is an excellent place
to rest before setting off on the last
which is mainly from rainfall, and the
water in the Ventisquero River are
mainly due to glacial fusion.<br> 
SNUPIE 20 marks the start of a
semi-open sector between the forest
move into the forest if you want to
contemplate the wide range of natural
species that make up the undergrowth.<br> 
A few meters past SNUPIE 21,
the route climbs down a slope, 10
meters down from the main river. The
trail becomes rocky with a lot of moss;
try to go slowly at an even pace.<br> 
Starting from SNUPIE 21, you
enter one of the most unique, endemic
forest types in the world. Do not
remove specimens; let us preserve our
endemic heritage.<br> 
Continue along the trail to
SNUPIE 22. This is a wooded area
with many adult Coigües, as well as
some cinnamon trees and ferns.<br> 
From SNUPIE 22 there is a slight
down slope to a crystal clear stream.
of Gunneras. These lands are
flooded sporadically. If rain is falling
p e r s i s t e n t l ypersistently, e v a l u a t e t h eevaluate the
convenience of continuing, since the
amount of water flowing can vary
drastically in only a few minutes.<br> 
On passing the gunneras, the
route continues through a veritable
high viewpoint of the Ventisquero
River glacier, which is SNUPIE 25
and the end of the heritage route.<br> 
SNUPIE 25 provides a view of
the entire cascading glacier as it
is sited amidst ancient frontal
moraines, now covered by thick
We recommend planning the
descent to SNUPIE 1 in daylight.
kilometer up the valley, since blocks
of ice may tumble down. Don’t
expose yourself unnecessarily.<br> {{Topoguide|10}} ==Expected time==2 hours to go and 30 minutes to return.[[category:Routes in english]]

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