
ENG:Refugio El Bolsón

62 bytes añadidos, 21:38 7 mar 2017
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[[Archivo:Climograma_vilches.png|thumb|Climate in Vilches, pre-andean area close to this route]]
[[Archivo:Mapa_acceso_7_tazas.jpg|thumb|Road map to the "Parque Inglés" area of Radal Siete Tazas National Park.... its precise location is represented by a red star in the bottom right hand corner of the map]]
[[Archivo:Mapa_radal_7_tazas.jpg|thumb|Map of "Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas". Includes the Refugio El Bolsón trail, and further south, the walking route from there to Vilches/Los Altos de Lircay. Created by "Sendero de Chile". Published with permission]]
* Laguna Manantial Pelado
'''Entry {{fees for Reserva Nacional Siete Tazas in Parque Inglés'''}}
== RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations ==
*Before setting off on your trek, make sure you inform a ranger, at the CONAF office in Parque Inglés, of the route that you intend to follow. This is isn't just very important in case of emergency, it's also a great way to get tips and insights about the trail from the knowledgeable CONAF staff. (Obviously, some grasp of the Spanish language on your part will allow you to get a lot more out of the conversation 😉 )
*There are waste bins in the campsites. Remember to bring trash bags with you .
* It's harder to access the trail during the winter months because it can snow a lot along the route
* If you choose to camp in Parque Inglés during the peak summer period, then make sure you keep an eye on your possessions. Opportunistic theft is certainly not unheard of around there during the busy tourist season.
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