
GPT40 (Glaciar Viedma)

6408 bytes añadidos, 18 abril
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
* 2024-Feb-28 to 2024-Mar-2 / 4 days / Hiking / Counter Clockwise / RR / Andrew
Beautiful trail. Not too much to add from what others have mentioned, the route is well marked. Views of the southern patagonia icefield are absolutely stunning. We decided to push a bit further and camp at Bahia Hornos, but I would have stayed at Bahia de Los tempanos if I did it again.
* 2024-Feb-24 to 2024-Feb-26 / 2.5d / Hiking / Counter Clock / RR and new terrain / Tom
Perfect conditions! No clouds, no wind
Day 1:
Crossed rio tunnel almost dry behind the laguna (trail on OSM). Hiked on Glaciar Tunel inferior. It's not that safe as others stated. Following others footstep an think it's safe says a lot of your alpine experience. Walk on the glaciar only if you know what you are doing (I'm a mountain guide and knew enough strong hikers that ended as dead bodies).
Be aware of the land slide between the glaciar inferior and the biwak. I told the park auhtorities to close that trail and use the GPT version. It's a matter of time and the trail slides away!
No wind on paso viento and a stunning view to the icefield. Not a cloud on a azur sky. I pitched my tent at the small laguna behind laguna Ferrari but before laguna los Esquies.
Day 2: Installed a rope on the Huemul downhill and stayed at Bahia Hornos.
Day 3: I started before sunrise and was by intention first at the tyrolienne. Bully on the other side, so I just hooked my steel carabiner and pulled myself along the cable.
I liked the hike, but hated the littering, I mean "shittering" around the official camps.
*2024-Apr-08 to 2024-Apr-10 / 3 days / Hiking / counterclockwise / RR / Joscha
Day 1: RR [0.0-21.2]
Good trail. Only the last 2 km was hiking on loose scree and took some time. Camp Rio Tunnel at km 21.2 has only spots for about three tents. The wind protection isn't as good as at camp Toro (16.6). The river at km 18.9 was a easy ford (knee high) about 50-100 meter up stream of the zip-line.
Day 2: RR [21.2-45.1]
Paso de viento (km 24.0) was very icy on top and on the way down. I managed without spikes, but they would have been helpfull. The pass at km 38.5 was snow free. The trail down after the pass is very steep. Would be very hard if snowy or muddy. Camped at -49.475284, -72.943223.
Day 3: RR [45.1-64.9]
The RR branches off the official Huemul Track at km 46.7. The RR runs a little higher and therefore offers maybe a bit better views. But the official Huemul Track would be the faster option. Rio Tunel was easily fordable (knee high) just under the zipline at km 54.0.
*2024-Mar-24 to 2024-Mar-26 / 3 days / Hiking / anticlockwise / RR / Juliet and Martin
Day 1 el chalten - Rio Tunel camp
The park rangers were closed for strike action. We weren't able to register online either (bad internet connection). We left around 9am. Several people and a group on the first part, but we lost them on our way around the glacier. Magnificent walk between forests, viewpoints and lakes. We arrived for lunch at laguna o toro. Possible bivouac spot with emergency shelter if needed. It's a beautiful spot, but we didn't feel like pitching our tent there. So we decided to head for the Rio Tunel campside. Passing the zipline, in fact the river is probably passable on foot a little above. We recommend that you look at tutorials on how to use the equipment, which we hadn't done, and the rental company gave us bad advice. Fortunately, there was an experienced hiker who helped us.
The passage along and on the glacier is complicated. We lost the trail and took a long time to make headway. There are lots of slippery spots (ice), so you have to be careful. Once we'd found our way back, we were able to reach the camp. It's well sheltered from the weather with a few spots (in fact only 3). The place is very windy, so I'd recommend getting there early if it's busy to get a sheltered spot. Magnificent view of the glacier.
There are mice, and we saw several in the evening, but we weren't bothered during the night. Difficult to find a place to hang the food so we kept it with us in the tent enclosed and in the middle of the two of us and not at the ends. That's how it was.
Several water spots along the way all day (several rivers).
Day 2 Rio Tunel camp - Bahia de los tempanosb camp (-49,47994,-7298601)
Passage of the paso del viento, which was indeed very windy, but passable. The path is still passable as used. Easy to follow. Magnificent panoramic view of the glacier at the top. You can see that some people have already pitched their tents at the pass, but I wouldn't recommend it because of the strong wind. Beautiful descent to the refuge. Very good, in good condition. Lots of possibilities for pitching tents around the stone walls. Very nice place to sleep. We continued on. Passage over Col Huelmul easier than the previous one. Very windy too, but the wind was in our favor and helped us make our way up. The descent is very complicated indeed, and quite dangerous. Take your time, especially if it's been raining. It takes time. Fortunately, there are ropes to hold on to. We reach the camp just before dark. It's very crowded, but we find a place to pitch our tent. The view of the lake, icebergs and glacier is magnificent. However, we were bothered by mice all night. We had hung our food from the trees, but despite this, they came up to the tent (between the 2 canvas sheets) time and time again. AVOID! It's crowded, there's garbage, mice, a rotting cow carcass...
Day 3 Camp Bahia de los tempanos (-49,47994,-7298601) - el chalten
Last day of hiking. Very beautiful in the hills, views over the lake. We loved it. Cross country in the hills, very nice to do even if we had to pass a few muddy spots and lost the trail a few times. Once back on the official trail, no more worries. The zipline was easier than on the first day. We didn't have to wait very long, surely 2 people ahead of us. End of the day with an easy trail to el chalten. The last few kilometers are on the road, not very pleasant and uninteresting, but it's not very long.
This section is definitely beautiful and diverse. Mice are a real problem on this section. They seem to be present at all the bivouac spots. They're not shy and don't hesitate to come along even if you scare them. If we had to do it all over again, we'd use rat repellents, because hanging up the food doesn't seem to be enough.
24-Mar-05 to 2024-Mar-07 / 48 hours / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Tomáš