
GPT67 (Dientes de Navarino)

2467 bytes añadidos, 30 enero
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
*Frank 16-18 January 2024 Windhond Circuit
1. I walked from Puerto Williams to Refugio Charles near Lago Windhond in one long day (11 hours) via ex Refugio Beaucheff.
Leaving Puerto Williams don't follow the track file but go up Calle Prat to the end then into the forest on a trail, turning left.
Go along the river until you cross it on an old bridge & return to track file route, saves 2K. Trail is OK to the pass, then deteriorates. Don't follow the track file route where it fords the river, stay on the near side following the Windhond trail which is marked on OSM. There is no trail on the far side of the river until much later.
Refugio Beaucheff is completely ruined. There is a marked route crossing the river a bit after the refuge but I've been told it's rough. I stayed on the OSM route which is now CC in open terrain & forded the river where the OSM route crosses it. Then you soon rejoin the RR & cross a bog (easy walking, you wind around the swampy bits) to get to Refugio Charles. Two small trees fell on the hut but it's still intact & in good condition, sleeps 6. It has mattresses & a woodstove, useful as my feet were soaking wet.
2. I walked around the east side of Lago Windhond in 3.5 hours. Easy walking mostly along the beach. 50 metres after track EXP-RP-CC-A I walked to a bone shaped lake & continued along its south side. Go to the river in open terrain a bit more downstream than EXP-RP-CC-A. The river runs chest deep out of the lake but a bit further I found a ford that was knee deep (should be available on 2024 track file) Continued in open terrain. The last 500M down to Windhond Bay was rough in dense forest with small cliffs near the bay.
Returned to Charles Hut on the same route (10 hours round trip)
3. I went back across the bog then crossed the river on a logjam. Steeply up through forest to treeline, then CC following cairns. There were two big snowfields on Monte Bettinelli but the RR went around both of them. Easy going but early in the season snow can make the Bettinelli traverse difficult or impassible. Great views of Lago Windhond & the Cape Horn archipelago from Bettinelli. I joined the Dientes circuit & went out over pasos Dientes & Australia to Laguna Salto. Snow on paso Australia but easy to cross. I've been told the low route out via Laguna Robalo is poor (beaver country with lots of fallen trees) so I continued on the high route back to Puerto Williams in one long day (12 hours walking)
==Season 2022/23==