
GPT68 (Tolhuin)

796 bytes añadidos, 29 enero
Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues
=Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues=
Frank Januaray 2024. I was told that the border will reopen on 1st February. They are building a bigger bridge which hopefully will withstand the winter rains. If the border is closed you can talk to the Argentinian border police and they should allow you to walk to the border without crossing it.
I met the owner of Estancia San Jose. He was friendly but at first told me to walk around the Estancia on the road. After a discussion he allowed me to go through on the RR.
Estancia San Justo is currently locked in a legal dispute over ownership and there is no one there. If you want to avoid possible issues you could stay on the road from the border and then follow OH-MR-V68A which is a road going through Estancia San Justo (a bit longer than the RR which goes through Ea. San Jose)
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