
GPT78H (Volcan Yates)

784 bytes añadidos, 18:23 16 ago 2023
Season 2019/20
==Season 2019/20==
* 2019-Dec-28 to 2019-Dec-29 / 2 days / Regular Hiking Southbound / Martín Lizondo
The trail between Puelo and Hornopirén passes through private land and requires permission of Patricio Beyers (+56 9 8132 4070 and +56 9 9573 5461). The GPS track isn’t acurate and the route is very difficult to find, so a guidance is required until the GPT track is updated. Guidance of Patricio Beyers costs CLP 60.000. After Lago Pinto Concha the trail is well maintained by park rangers.
Two river crossings are very difficult, so rain could make them impassable. There’s a cable car river crossing too.
The route passes through valdivian forests, moody trails, mallines, lots of alerces (one is +3000 years old!), lava fields, snow and a lake. Very demanding and absolutely recommended.
==Season 2018/19==