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GPT31H (Valle Simpson)

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Revisión del 10:26 2 mar 2025 de Pierre-Marie (Discusión | contribuciones) (Season 2024/25)

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* '''Start Date to Finish Date (use Format YYYY-MMM-DD) / Duration in Days / Hiking or Packrafting / Travel Direction (SOBO for Southbound or NOBO Northbound) / Chosen Route and/or Option Name (RR for Regular Route) / Names or Alias'''

Include remarks about your route useful for other hikers and packrafters, alerts, suggestions and personal perception of attractiveness and difficulties. Try to be specific. Do not be shy to fix obvious mistakes.


Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions

Season 2025/26

Season 2024/25

  • 2025-FEB-25 to 2025-FEB-26 / 1 day / Hiking / SOBO / RR + OH (Var. A) / Ivan, Jakub, Daniel

A rather unremarkable connecting section. There is ongoing roadwork on the road out of Coyhaique, with controlled traffic and a lot of construction vehicles passing through.

To avoid walking on the road the whole time, we chose Variant A. This was a pleasant route through rural landscapes, passing by several settlers.

The gravel road ends at a house at km 3.4 (-45.70686, -72.18007).

At km 4.9 (-45.71769, -72.18602), the path crosses through Don Adriano’s property. It is not possible to shortcut closer to the river, as there is a steep, rocky ravine. However, Adriano is very friendly, has no problem with hikers passing through, and even enjoyed chatting with us. From his house onwards, the path becomes more defined and easy to follow.


On Variant A, at km 3.0 (-45.70361, -72.17915), there is a large, electrically controlled gate. However, there is a small pedestrian gate next to it that can be opened. We encountered a few locals beyond the gate, and nobody had any issue with us passing through.

At km 4.7 of Variant A (-45.71709, -72.18511), there is a stream crossing, but it can be done without getting your feet wet.


There are not many nice places to bivouac around the road.

We camped by Río Simpson at -45.71946, -72.17722. It is a beautiful and quiet spot right next to the river, with plenty of flat areas for tents.


There are not many water sources along the road. The first good spot to collect water on our route was the mentioned stream crossing on Variant A at -45.71709, -72.18511. After that, the next water source was Río Simpson.

We didn’t notice any reliable sources until Villa Frei.


At the start of the section in Coyhaique, there are, of course, plenty of resupply options.

At the end of the section, Villa Frei has a small shop located at -45.75304, -72.11432.

  • 2025-FEV-13 / 1 jours / Randonnée + auto-stop / SOBO / RR / Pierre-Marie ​​

Etape : GPT31+GPT32+GPT33 | Meteo : soleil | Eau : difficile | Neige : non | Intérêt : 0/5 | Difficulté : 0/5 | Danger : route

Je ne voulais pas marcher le GPT31, seulement faire de l'auto-stop et marcher que s'il n'y avait pas de voiture. A partir du km 3,1, la route est en travaux jusqu'au km 15. Très difficile d'arrêter les voitures car pas de place pour stationner. J'ai réussi à faire 7km en voiture sur cette portion. Ensuite la route est plus petite et il n'y a pas beaucoup de voiture. J'ai marché jusqu'au km 27 puis une voiture m'a emmené à Villa Frei. La vue vers le km 24 est vraiment sympa et les lacs sont jolie par une belle journée, mais la route est vraiment ennuyeuse à marcher.

Season 2023/24

Season 2022/23

  • 03-Apr-2023 / Hiking / NOBO / Martin & Helena

Easy section that connects Coyhaique and Villa Frei. Minor road will take you around few lakes and local settlements, which makes some nice sceneries with surrounding mountains. They were partly covered with fresh snow in our case. Taking a bus from Coyhaique terminal to Villa Frei in the morning, we started quite early for our standards, and therefore we made it easily in 1 day, coming back to Coyhaique in the late afternoon. Because of a light rain, the road was not that dusty, but it might be annoying in dry weather, especially the last part around airport, that was also quite busy.

Contact: @martin_hanzelka @helenneka

  • 2022 Nov 22 Frank 1 day RR NOBO

Got the bus to Villa Frei & walked back to Coyhaique. One small shop in Villa Frei & lots of dogs, a stick may be useful. Didn't see any place to stay there. I agree with all the comments below. This must be the least interesting section on RR GPT1-40. No facilities along the route & didn't see anywhere good to camp. As you approach Coyhaique it gets dustier & going past the airport is nasty with lots of traffic throwing up blinding clouds of dust. The last 2KM is quiet.

Season 2021/22

  • 2022 Feb: 04-05, SoBo, RR, Kris&Stiina

The whole section is a gravel road, except for a few km in the beginning where it is asphalt. We hitched the first 16km and then continued on foot the traffic wasn’t too bad but it wasn’t great for peaceful hiking either, lots of dust eating with every passing car. Chileans do love their fences so everything was well fenced off on both sides of the road for most of the section. We were lucky that some cattle did not agree with the local politics of fencing off the open water and had broken a fence to access the Burgos Lake. Which is where we camped at and had a nice swim. It was right next to the road but bushes helped with making it somewhat private. What they didn’t help that much with was the dust cloud that the passing cars generated, but luckily the traffic was not too bad. The next day we hiked/hitched to the end of the section, as the road was just too boring and we wanted to get on some trails already. Unless you are super into connecting footsteps then we would recommend to just try and get a hitch to the start of next section.

For more stories of the trail, pictures, videos and in case you want to ask us anything you can find us on Instagram: @smallfootprint_bigadventures

Resupply and Accommodation

Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns

  • 2 supermarkets in Coyhaique. 2 small shops in Villa Frei but they will not be open when the first bus arrives.
  • Several shops in Coyhaique sell camping gas. Shop around as prices vary a lot.
  • Lots of restaurants in Coyhaique. They generally open around 10AM. Moneda de Oro on the main street is good.
  • 2 exchange offices in Coyhaique, rates may be poor. Several banks & ATMs. All ATMs will be closed outside bank opening hours. Banco Estado opens on Saturday mornings.
  • Coyhaique : Bosque Patagonia hospedaje at the side of the Unimarc supermarket is one of the best cheap options.

Resupply and Accommodation along the Route

Transport to and from Route

  • 2023 info:

Buses to Villa Frei from Coyhaique bus terminal: Monday 7:30, 8:15, 15:30, 17:00, 19:30 Tuesday to Friday 8:15, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30 Saturday 08:00 No bus on Sunday. It takes about 30 minutes to get to Villa Frei & the bus generally turns around immediately & goes back to Coyhaique

Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues

Links to other Resources

Retired Section Article GPT31H - Valle Simpson
