
GPT17P - Neltume

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Página redirigida a GPT17P (Neltume)
#REDIRECT [[GPT17P (Neltume)]]
==Recent Alerts and Suggestions==
==Season Section Log==
* January 3 / Zach / Southbound / 1 day
A peaceful paddle through the woods. There was one fallen tree across the river requiring easily lifting the boat over. The lago Neltume was very head windy in the afternoon so I walked the road but was quickly offered a ride to Ruta 203 where a bus soon passed.
* 2019-Dec-3 / Shaun C / 2 Days / Southbound / Regular Packrafting Route
Plenty of semi-submerged trees in the Rio Liquiñe/CuaCua, but the river is passable and relatively gentle throughout. The entrance to Lago Neltume from the river is beautiful. The hiking turn-off after Neltume at Km 35.7 seemed clear. There’s a wooden gate, then dirt roads. Also spent a few extra hours away from regular route exploring Op-Mr-V@17P-03 to see if there was a way across Rio ChanChan after previous destruction of the bridge. No luck. Seems bridge has not been replaced and in a definitely-not-thorough search, I didn’t find an easy alternative crossing point.
==Section Difficulty==
There are only a couple of early minor rapids on this part of Rio Liquiñe and it is generally gentle throughout, running at 4-5kmph initially, and 2kmph towards the end. There are, however, many trees in the river, sometimes entirely across it. At low water levels it can be necessary to porter around these, even involving some bush-bashing. But at other times, paddlers have been able to pass without trouble.
===Resupply Town===
Puerto Fuy has a few restaurants and food shops.
====Shopping: Food====
====Shopping: Fuel====
====Accommodation: Camping====
====Transport: Ground Transport====
Regular buses run from Puerto Fuy.
====Transport: Ferries====
A car and passenger ferry runs the length of Lago Pirihueico several times a day from Puerto Fuy to the south-eastern end of the lake.
====Transport: Shipping Services====
==Regular Route==
===Regular Hiking Route===
Previously, the hiking segment went east from Lago Neltume and crossed Rio ChanChan then continued to Puerto Fuy. However, the bridge crossing that river has since been destroyed. So, in the absence of a clear and safe alternative crossing option, the route now follows primary roads for 9km until a turn-off onto more interesting dirt roads at Km35.7.
===Regular Packrafting Route===
*Route description by Kara Davis after Season 2017/18: