
GPT13 - Laguna Icalma

399 bytes añadidos, 23:00 17 feb 2020
Season Section Log: Updated
17-Jan-2020 Tom & Maddie
Regular route SOBO, 1 day.
Easy section, all roads in good condition and we didn’t run into any issues. Though the first bit after the bridge appears to be designed to avoid crossing paths with the private property owner. Nice enough to walk through but would recommend hitching if you have limited time. Good resupply in Icalma. *28 Jan 2020 Frank 1 dayRR to Div 85 then I crossed the Bio Bio. Easy as water levels are low now but pick your spot as parts are deep. Continued on alternative routes South of Bio Bio & on South shore of lake. At least 3 shops in Icalma. Continued to Lake In/Out Camp $. Paid 10000 CLP to stay in a shed there as weather was poor. Camping will normally be a better option. No shops after Icalma.
==Summary Table==