
ENG:Quebrada del Tigre

147 bytes añadidos, 22:13 3 jul 2019
* If you want to walk the Quebrada del Tigre on foot, it is advisable to avoid periods when there are many cyclists, especially on weekend mornings, especially in the months of January and February. The continuous descent of cyclists is annoying for the walk, and forces to be permanently put aside. Ideal is to go a week day. If this is not possible, privilege hours in the afternoon, when the flow decreases.
{{Checklist | Type 1 equipment checklist: low altitude route, without camping, snow or cold}} (For walkers)
{{other trails == Network of 7 Gates bicycle and hiking routes in Cachagua / Zapallar ==*[[Quebrada del Tigre]]*[[Ruta Merrel]]*[[Ruta Rockford]]*[[Siete Portones]]*[[Travesía Aguas Claras - Quebrada del Tigre}}]]
{{Mountain Bikes Chile}}