
ENG:Laguna Azul

2 bytes añadidos, 21:45 20 jun 2019
General Description
[[File:Volcan Quetrupillan (32).jpg|thumb|South-Western Faldeos of the [[Quetrupillán Volcano]], looking northeast (note that the walker goes in the direction of return, from Laguna Azul to Paraíso Escondido)]]
== General Description ==
An excellent trek for the day. Ideal for vacationers of Pucón nuances the holidays with a different day. It includes a walk through the coigüe forest, araucarias, a walk over the limit of the vegetation at the foot of the [[Quetrupillán Volcano]], a sublime view of the [[Volcán Villarrica Volcano]] and a very good view of the [[Volcán Lanín Volcano]] ] The final destination is compensated with a waterfall on the edge of a little-visited mountain lagoon.
== Appropriate time ==