
ENG:Cerro La Campana

10 942 bytes añadidos, 21:26 1 jun 2019
[[Category:Parche Cordillera de la Costa]]
[[category:Parche Clasicos de Santiago]]
[[en:ENG:Cerro La Campana]]
[[Archivo:Vista desde la cumbre del Cerro La Campana.jpg|frame|center|Vista desde la cumbre del Cerro La Campana hacia el Este. Visible el [[Cerro El Roble]]. Diciembre de 2016]]
|VallesStgo=Cordillera Costa
|Atractivos=Vistas panorámicas, Bosque, Flora atractiva, Parque Nacional
|Duracion=1 día
|Dificultad Técnica=Muy Fácil
|Sendero=Siempre Claro
|TipoTrek=Ascensión Cerro
|Comentarios distancia=Sendero andinista, desde Granizo
|Primer ascenso=
|Primer Autor=[[User:Jupa‎|Juan Pablo Ortega]]
|Imágen Principal=Cerro La Campana_.jpg
|ComentariosImagen=Cara Este del Cerro La Campana desde la ruta [[Caleu - Olmué por el Cordón de los Penitentes]]. Noviembre de 2009
{{colores|Red|[[Travesía Parque Nacional La Campana]], cruce de Norte a Sur (o vice versa)}}
{{colores|Yellow|Sendero Andinista. Ascenso a la cumbre del [[Cerro La Campana]]}}
{{colores|Cyan|[[Cascada del Parque Nacional La Campana]]}}
{{colores|Blue|[[Cruce Caleu - Ocoa]]}}
{{colores|Green|[[Sendero Cajón Grande - Plateau]]}}
{{colores|Orange|Rutas de acceso}}
|ComparteIdayRetorno=Ida y Retorno por la misma ruta
== Attention ==
Since this route is located inside a National Park, there are rules defined by Conaf that must be respected and known when planning an ascent to the hill. The following is highlighted (updated in October 2017):

* During the months of '' 'winter the ascent to the summit' '' is not allowed, but apparently until the sector of the Mine. This would extend between June and September.
* The '' 'maximum time' '' to reach the La Mina sector is 12:00 pm. In case of arriving later, it will not be allowed to continue with the ascent to the summit. Depending on the official present at the site, this could be extended until 12:30 pm, but not entrusted.

It is recommended to find out previously because these rules, like everything in life, can change (for better or for worse).

== Appropriate time ==
Ideal autumn, with red oaks, or spring. Full summer is very hot, but possible.

== Access ==
=== From Viña del Mar or Valparaíso ===
[[Image: Rutero_La_Campana.jpg | thumb | Map of access to La Campana National Park]]
Through Quilpué and Villa Alemana by the trunk road, of dense traffic, especially in its urban stretch. Leaving Villa Alemana are 22km to Limache. The road to Olmué goes to the right, traveling 8km more to the town. Continuing in the same direction, the park is accessed. Further up (5km) there is a last fork, with the Granizo (left) and Cajón Grande options. The Bell goes up from Hail. From here to the Conaf is the only unpaved section of the route (1km, bad condition).

From the goal of Conaf (approx 400m), the ascent of the mountain normally begins, although with a good all-terrain it is possible to continue climbing much more, even to La Mina (1265m) if the path allows it.

=== From [[Santiago]] ===

For the Pan-American North. A few kilometers after the toll is the detour to Til-Til (there is a level crossing). From there it is 20km to the village, which is completely crossed. At the end you reach the road that crosses the Cordillera de la Costa through the slope La Dormida. The road is recently paved and widened. At 33km from Til-Til there is the detour towards Olmué, not signposted (it is only indicated "towards motocross"). After crossing the town, you should take the road in the direction of the park, to the east. Further up (5km) there is a last fork, with Granizo and Cajon Grande options. The Bell goes up from Hail. From here to the Conaf is the only unpaved section of the route (1km, bad condition).

From the goal of Conaf (approx 400m), the ascent of the mountain normally begins, although with a good all-terrain it is possible to continue climbing much more, even to La Mina (1265m) if the path allows it.

[[File: La Campana Mine.JPG | thumb | La Mina, maximum possible vehicle and last source of water. December 2016]]
[[File: Robles La Campana.JPG | thumb | Pleasant hike under the oak forest after La Mina]]
[[File: Cerro La Campana 2.JPG | thumb | Path immediately after Darwin's Plate]]
[[File: Cerro La Campana 3.JPG | thumb | Travel with caution. Before the rocky area, December 2016]]
[[File: Cerro La Campana_roca.JPG | thumb | Rocky area after the Darwin plate. December 2016]]
[[File: Zorro Culpeo.jpg | thumb | Culpeo Fox in Trekking Cerro La Campana. Photo: Carlos Ancatén González]]
[[File: Cumbre La Campana.jpg | thumb | Cerro La Campana Summit. Photo: Carlos Ancatén González]]
[[File: Llegando_a_la_cima.jpg | thumb | Arriving at the top. In the background, [[Mount Aconcagua]].]]
[[File: Summit-Cerro-La-Campana.jpg | thumb | Summit of Cerro La Campana]]
== Description of the route ==
[[File: Mapa_cerro_la_campana.jpg | thumb | center | 750px | Map of trails of Cerro La Campana, by Gregor.]]
[[File: Perfil_cerro_la_campana.png | thumb | center | 750px | Route profile of Cerro La Campana from Granizo]]

Either through the path that runs through the picnic tables or continuing along the road to La Mina, you will come to a first sign that indicates the "climber's path" and announces 4½ hours to the summit, a conservative time but good reference The road meanders along the southern slope in the middle of a dense forest of acorns, lingues, peumos, boldos, molles, quillayes, litres, pataguas and maquis, among others, surprising with its greenery for latitude; Interestingly, in this sector it rains about 700 mm per year, more than double that in Santiago, which explains this and the oaks above. 20 minutes from the sign is the first aguada (580m), which is the second crossing of the estuary. The road continues winding, always signposted, crossing repeatedly with the vehicular footprint. Above, the first clearings appear and it is possible to contemplate the valley of Olmué. Then we finally go back to see the granite massif that crowns the hill and, at approx. 1h, the second aguada (875m), good place to rest and admire the mass of rock thatwait above, besides being the last place with water before La Mina.

The road in this sector is softer, coinciding a stretch with the vehicular road. The first oaks and isolated peaks of the old quartz miners appear. This leads to La Mina (1265m), where there is an esplanade in the middle of the hillside and a larger pique that can be traveled, for which it is recommended to bring a headlamp (it is still gloomy and wet). The path, always clear, continues in the middle of the northernmost oak forest of America until you reach the foot of the rock tower.

Subsequently, the footprint continues at the foot of the wall, with little slope to the east. Climbing routes (painted roughly on the rock) and then the plaque laid by the British Colony on the occasion of the centenary of the ascension of Darwin (1525m), in August 1834, unfortunately painted by the "immortal cheap". The next section is possibly the only diffuse in a well-marked path: it crosses a [[Glossary | carry]] (there indicated as "the rolled") and then turns to the left (north) to ride to the edge that leads directly to the summit, after 20 minutes of loose rock and scattered trees.

From above, not only is the rocky pyramid of Aconcagua immense: after the [[Cerro el Roble]], neighbor and big brother (2222m), the complete list of the giants of the central Andes are lined up for our contemplation and joy ; behind us, the sea if the weather allows it; and to the left, a rocky peak that in winter is home to condors, astute they, dwellers of one of the most beautiful corners of Chile.

The park indicates that the route portería - La Mina takes 2.5h and La Mina - summit takes 2h, while the descent, by the same route, takes approx. 4h A person relatively used to climbing hills, at a somewhat more intense pace, can go up in 3.5 hours and go down in 3 hours without major difficulties or even less.

=== Road to La Mina ===
From the second week of September and until April, it is possible to arrive by car to La Mina, which decreases the time of ascent by approximately half. The use of a 4x4 vehicle is recommended, or at least high, as the road is [[road condition | regular to bad]]

[https: // | Accelerated video of the complete trip in vehicle]

== Charles Darwin in La Campana ==

On August 17, 1833, along with two guides, the British naturalist Charles Darwin reached the top of the Bell. He wrote of his experience:

{{quote | We spent the day at the top of the mountain, and it never seemed like the shortest time. Chile extends to our feet as an immense panorama limited by the Andes and the Pacific Ocean | Charles Darwin}}

{{Entrance to La Campana National Park}}

== Recommendations ==
{{Checklist | Type 1 equipment checklist: low altitude route, without camping, snow or cold}}
* In La Mina, there is a water source that remains throughout the year.
* The view of the last section from the second wash can intimidate, but not to be deceived: the hill does not present any technical difficulty for the official path.
* The summit is a great graffiti: please do not continue with that.

== External Links ==
=== Weather forecast ===
{{Weather Cordillera Costa}}
{{La Campana National Park Horseback Riding}}
== Image gallery ==
Sendero_Los_Peumos.jpg | Sector Granizo, La Campana National Park, Chile
131.JPG | Summit of Cerro La Campana. Image: Francisco Contreras
Senderos_por_Granizo _-_ CONAF_oficial _-_ JPEG_298kb.jpg | Trails by Hail - Official CONAF October 2016
Plate of Darwin, Cerro La Campana.JPG | Plate of Darwin, Cerro La Campana
La_campana_desde_valparaiso.jpg | La Campana from the bay of Valparaíso. Image: Celindo Gonzalez A.
Caleu - Olmue by the Cord of the Penitents.JPG | Nearly complete view of the [[Caleu - Olmué | crossing Caleu - Olmué through the Cord of the Penitents]] from the summit of Cerro La Campana. December 2016
Rayados summit Cerro La Campana.JPG | Shabby scratches on the summit of Cerro La Campana. December 2016
Top of the bell.jpg | Resting on the summit of La Campana
Fotoot.jpg | View of Cerro La Campana from the palmar of Ocoa
La Campana Roble.JPG | Cerro La Campana from [[Cerro El Roble]]. May 2012

</ gallery>

{{Trekkings Chile}}

== Videos ==

* [ Video Route National Park, Access Olmué, by Exploraxxion]