
ENG:Península Lican Ray

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At 300 meters from Hito Nº6 is Hito Nº7 or Risk Zone. In this sector of the circuit, the path is narrower and it is recommended to travel this area following the path without approaching the banks, as there are steep slopes with abundant organic material loose, which gives instability to the ground.
'''Milestone Nº8 - Main viewpoint of the lake and its islands'''
200 meters further on, you must go up the same path to Hito N ° 8 or Main Viewpoint. From here you can see a general view of the lake and its islands. Lake Calafquén is of glacial origin, like most of the lakes associated with the Andean mountain range. Its basin was originated by an immense layer of ice that once dominated great part of the landscape. When the glaciers began to recede between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago, the melting ice filled it forming the lake.
There are eleven islands in the lake, which due to the topography of the sector, and the modeling left by the retreat of the glaciers, were not submerged in the waters. Among these are Trailafquen, Balboa, Los Monos and the caves.
'''Milestone Nº9 - Access to Playa Grande'''
If you continue the path that borders the lake, at 130 meters you will find Hito No. 9 or Access to Playa Grande, which has a railing that facilitates the descent through a steep slope to that place.
'''Milestone Nº10 - Playa Grande'''
The Playa Grande or Hito Nº 10, is located in the eastern sector of the peninsula and extends beyond the Estero Mulpúm to the east. In this place it is possible to carry out various tourist activities such as sport fishing, water sports, excursions, horseback riding, boat rides or simply enjoy the impressive landscape. An important attraction is the "Arco de Piedra", located towards the west and the end of Playa Grande.
'''Milestone Nº11 - Native Forest of Arrayán'''
To continue the circuit, after traveling the path that borders the Lake with its viewpoints and beaches, you can get to know the interior of the Peninsula. For this you must go back to the area of ​​access to the Playa Grande (Milestone No. 10) and walk 80 meters along the path on the left where you will find Milestone No. 11 corresponding to the Native Forest of Arrayán.
In this journey attention must be paid with the purpose of contemplating the species that make up the native forest. Among these species again is the Arrayán (luma apiculata) tree of slow growth, with beautiful silky appearance brick red color and the Boldo (peumus boldus), a species that belongs to the sclerophyllous forest and that develops in sectors of shady or little exposure to the sun, characterized by its dark and dense foliage, its bright and aromatic leaves, traditionally occupied by the local population in hot infusions for medicinal purposes.