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To access the route from Puerto Natales, take the route to Cerro Castillo continuing by this way for 17 kilometers of the paved road, where you will find the vehicular access to the west towards the Milodón cave. Continue by this second way for 9 kilometers and you will arrive to CONAFs ( National Forestal Corporation ) information and administration center which is the access to the Natural Monument of Milodon Cave with 189 hectares. Continue for another 20 kilometers by the main road. At 600 meters to north direction from the limit between the district of Natales and Torres del Paine, by the west side of the route, you will arrive to the parking lot and start of this route.<br>
To Magellan's region and Antarctic Chilean one can accede terrestrial route, airway and sea route. The flights arrive from Santiago, the capital of Chile and Port Montt at the Punta Arenas city. The terrestrial access is realized crossing the Argentine territory, existing five frontier(opposite) qualified steps: Monte Aymond, Rio Don Guillermo, Casas Viejas, Dorotea and San Sebastián (in Tierra del Fuego). The maritime access is realized across the Patagonian channels from the city of Port Montt. A detail of these diverse accesses you can consult in and / or www.patagonia-<br>
This Topoguide is an essential aid for anybody who wants to travel this Heritage Route, since it helps user to link signs on the route to literature, maps, and images contained in the Topoguide for each segment of the tour.<br>
The route is made up by 26 duly signaled Guideposts of heritage interest. For better orientation, duration of the tour and understanding by visitors, interesting spots have been divided into four independent segments.<br>
Signs used in this route are divided into four types according to their functions:<br>
Marker post indicating a guidepost of interest,<br>