
El Yeso - Termas del Plomo (english)

5636 bytes añadidos, 19:15 1 nov 2009
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{{Trekking Chile}}
{{Mountain Bike Chile}}
{{Rando Chile}}
*'''Trekking''': May to November. Since December, when usually clears the vehicle track, and until the first snow of winter,
the road is passable by vehicles, so that is not an alternative trekking.
*'''Mountain Bike''': Between November and May. In November and December, however, it is still possible to find snow patches just before reach the hot springs.
*'''Randonnée''': June to September. In the middle of winter and soon after Snow is possible that the vehicle is forced to be fairly
away from the dam. For that reason, unless there are several days not a good idea since shortly after a snowfall. From September, it may be necessary to remove the skis in some sections that border the reservoir.

== Access by car and the road status ==
[[Image: Mapa_acceso_laguna_negra.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Access Map. The onset is shown with a red star. Image: [ Department of Roads]]]
From Santiago, you should take Route G-25 at Cajon del Maipo. From the
Vizcachas crossing, 47 kilometers are paved in good condition
to the control of police of San Gabriel (phone 8611008 and
8612290, if you want to check the status of the road, although the
responses tend to be too "conservative"). Then are 1.1
miles of pavement to the confluence of the Maipo Gypsum.
Immediately after the bridge starts on gravel, on a slope
the river back Gypsum. 1.1 kilometers below (2.2 kms from
Carabineros San Gabriel) is Romeral, with some houses and
mining facilities. At this point you turn right and
continue on the path G-455. There are about 18 kilometers of gravel in
[[state of the road | regular state]] to the dam of the reservoir the Yeso
which is the maximum you can go by car. This item is a 2520
meters, so that between May and October is usually not possible
reach by car.
=== Access by public transport and hitchhiking ===
{{Template: Public transport to Cajon del Maipo}} That is, the foot
same dam.

Given that the alternative bus permits only reach Romeral (which
lies on the road to Baños Morales), from this point you should try the
hitchhiking. The road traffic is low, so it is likely that the
expected to be a weekend long, and too long on a weekday.

==Route description ==
[[Image: Mapa_termas_plomo.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Map of the route. The layout is only referential. It reaches to appreciate the Chile
The route described here starts at the dam, although it is likely that the
Snow forced to start a little lower. However, it is only
immediately after snowfalls that will fail the
Andean water facilities, 1400 m before the dam itself.
From this point you should begin to move eastward to the
vehicle along the road surrounding the reservoir for its southern shore. Are
some 6.7 kilometers along the coast. In winter, the ground
is difficult because in many places the snow-laden slope falls
steep slope to the reservoir, the road is cut repeatedly by
residual snow boards of avalanches.
[[Image: Embalse_el_yeso_.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Way of the vehicle southern shore of the reservoir, taken from east to west. You can see little snow skiing in that stretch, but the rest of the route after the reservoir presented no problems on that date (September 2001)]] If you are in
skis, you should know how to sing well in this area. Once you arrive
the east end of the lake, the terrain is much easier. Continue
inward toward the northeast by a low slope area, where the
valley is quite wide. It will be visible from the towering pyramid somital
Rigging north [[Image: Aparejo.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Rigging north. The route, however, moving northeast. September 2001]]. The valley gradually narrows and starts, 5.9
kilometers downstream of the dam soon after a monument to
Andean waters workers killed on the spot, the road turns almost
90 °, and the walk continues towards the southeast. It should be gaining 5
miles, on the north bank of the river Gypsum, on a stretch of more
pending. It is an area which in summer is usually covered with grass and
often inhabited by animals.
[[Image: Camping_Termas_del_plomo.jpg|thumb|200px|left| Camping just hundred yards from the hot springs. Photo taken from northeast to southwest. It seen in the background the Mesón Alto. September 2001]] Then, the valley
extends brought many, and appear to the south the glaciers of
Marmolejo. Our route turns gradually to the north. Call
go 2.9 miles to the west bank of the estuary, the point at
which the road turns east to cross the river and reach the
hot springs at the foot of a gorgeous warm water upwelling from mid -
the rock.
===Expected Time ===
*'''Trekking''': In a normal pace, with snow, this trek should
take about 7 to 8 hours one way. If you do not have snowshoes, and leaves only
shoes, this time may be even higher if the snow is deep
and unconsolidated. A little less to return.
*'''Randonnée''': Consider 6 to 8 hours. A little less to return.
*'''Mountain Bike''': Between two and three hours. One hour to return.

== Permits / Fees ==
* This route does not require permits or admission is charged.
== Recommendations ==
* The hot springs are not really hot. Only little higher Pozón
reaches the temperature "of choice." In midwinter, is desirable
a snow shovel to find this deep pools.
* In summer (mountain bike) is ideal to go on a weekday, in order
exploit the superior Pozón better.
==Waypoints in Google Earth==
* [[Media: Termas_del_Plomo.kmz | Waypoints Termas del Plomo. The route is
Reference only]]. Download waypoints (())