
ENG:Reserva Nacional Altos de Pemehue

21 bytes eliminados, 15:32 12 oct 2016
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<li>*Once you reach the end of the old lumber trail
that penetrates the forest, you should pay attention
to the route markers that indicate which
a guide.
<li>*The total estimated time for doing the Heritage
Route, that is, the 27 km from Guidepost No. 1 to
Guidepost No. 20, is about 12.5 hours horseback.
terms of ecology and landscape.
<li>*An important part of the route runs over
rocky terrain, with gravel or stones on the trail.
This makes the ride more challenging, especially
Lake, an estimated two-day round trip.
<li>*Take appropriate clothes and camping equipment
(tent, synthetic sleeping bags, waterproof
parkas, gloves, appropriate boots, other camping
camera is indispensable!
<li>*Prior to the trip, you should stop by the police
station (retén de Carabineros) in Loncopangue
and tell them your itinerary, final destination,
and the expected length of your stay in the area.
<li>*Be extremely careful with campfires and bring
back any food scraps, plastics, or other waste
from the trip so that other adventurers like yourself
will have an equal chance to enjoy the area.
<li>*Finally, contact Mr. Lizardo Urrea (Fundo
Porvenir; phone: 984682590) to prepare and
coordinate your journey.