
Cerro La Campana (english)

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== The Route ==
The route from the entrance of the park is well sign-posted and very easy to follow (you also get a map). It is also surprisingly crowded for a Chilean hiking trail. The lower sections are of quite interesting forest at a reasonable gradient. The higher sections get very unpleasant towards the top with a very steep eroded path. The view from the top is worth it though as on a clear day you can see a vast section of the Central Cordillera with Aconcagua a clear high point. The only real way back is via the same way but there is also an old mining road that you can also take.
[[ArchivoFile:IMG_2656_(Medium).JPG|thumb|250px|right|Exspansive views over the high Andes from the summit]]'''Estimated time'''
The route is only a 14 km round trip but it packs in approximately 1400m of accent. It should take a fit, healthy person about 3-4 hours with roughly the same time to get down given its steepness.
== Permits and Fees ==
It costs 1500 CLP to enter the park
== Recommendations ==
Given the crowds and the steep and unpleasant nature of the climb in the higher reaches I’d recommend trying one of the routes in the more biologically interesting north of the park (however this area is very difficult to get to without a car). On a clear day the views from the top are spectacular though.
Trekking poles are very useful for balance on the steep areas of ascent and decent plus they will save your leg muscles.
==External Links==
{{Tiempo atmosferico Cordillera Costa}}
{{Trekkings Chile}}