
Greater Patagonian Trail

No hay cambio en el tamaño, 18:45 26 jul 2014
Trail Sections
The entire trail is broken into 16 sections that require between 3 to 10 days each. Each section connects seamless with the following section and starts and ends near a road with public transportation. Therefore each section can be hike as an individual trail or several sections can be combined to a longer trip depending on how much time you want to hike.
There are no proper shops along the first seven sections of the trail. The first regular food store on the trial comes after 600 km at the finish of section 7. Therefore reaching the finish of a section gives you the opportunity to take a bus and to travel to the next village or town to resupply. A true through-hike would require the setup of feed food depots on strategic points along the route.
==Expected Duration==