
GPT09 (Volcan Antuco)

215 bytes añadidos, 13:39 2 dic 2023
Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues
=Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues=
Update November 2023: The Chilean Border Control had be relocated and is now closer to the border and not any more on the GPT route. Therefore it is not any more required to sneak around the Chilean Border Control.
This is the only place where it is strongly recommended to sneak around a police station. This recommendation applies in particular to all non-Chileans going southbound.
The Regular Packrafting Route anyway bypasses the border control.
Luckily this is the only border control post I’m aware off where such a stupid rule is applied. In many other forward border controls you need to proactively approach the police and request your exit stamp if you plan to leave Chile. Should you just visit the area between the border control and the actual border you can normally just pass or explain your intentions.
=Links to other Resources=