
GPT67 (Dientes de Navarino)

702 bytes añadidos, 14:19 30 sep 2023
Season 2022/23
==Season 2022/23==
* Iris, Alexis / Dec 17-21 / 4.5 days
We started our trip on the GPT by the famous Dientes de Navarino, option Lago Windhond.
The first part until the Refugio Bauchef is well marked but after the trail has disappeared and the marks should not be trusted. We have been told it has not been serviced and the fallen trees make everything quite difficult. We left the track to walk in the valley which was much easier but decided to not go to the lake.
The next part of the tour is much more frequented and it is much easier to find the trail. However, in difficult weather as some parts are dangerous, even with clean weather.
Nonetheless, the hikers are gratified with stunning views and landscapes!
==Season 2021/22==