
GPT35 (Parque Patagonia)

1315 bytes eliminados, 02:10 29 sep 2023
Season 2022/23
A ranger in Casa de Piedras wanted to prevent us to walk the RR NOBO from Casa de Piedras to Valle Hermoso. He claimed that route is closed now as the rivers are too high to cross. To avoid conflict, we said that we will only do the “loop trail” which is basically the RR from Casa de Piedras up until the bridge where the RR joins Option J. The Option J is then used to return back to Casa de Piedras. When doing the loop, we met several hikers in the opposite direction who confirmed that all river crossings are fine. In light of this we decided to continue on the RR and indeed the deepest ford was to our knees. Therefore if faced with a ranger claiming that the rivers are too high, we suggest to start with the loop trail (rangers should be okay with that) and get more info on the river levels from the hikers going the opposite direction.
* January 27 - Feb. 1 / Véronica & Zach / RP + Option 10 / 5.5 days
I started on the regular route with Veronica, paddling Lago Verde and her paddling half of Lago Jeinemeni in the AM when the wind was light. The wind was strong in the afternoon. We split at Casa de Piedra where a CONAF ranger told me I needed a permit to paddle but relented when I explained I had all safety equipment and accepted full responsibility for my actions. I followed Rio Chacabuco to Rio Baker to Cochrane (Option 10). This was a nice opportunity to practice streamlining packraft deployment as there are 4 cross country portages around beautiful canyons. The “CONAF Refuge, Camp” (km 123.2) is a nice spot. The footbridge in the second canyon provides a nice view of the canyon and distant glaciers. Cross country navigation is straightforward with gps but I did miss the gap between cliffs just past the footbridge. You can also paddle upstream a short way after the last portage for a little canyon visit. The rapid shortly after the Ruta 7 bridge is worth scouting but doable. Rio Chacabuco is consistently swift. Upon merging with Rio Baker, the current (8-10 km/hr) and wind both picked up. A sheltered, quiet camp is located (-47.1479, -72.6136). Perhaps not as beautiful as the RP route, but the rivers were so nice.
*2023 last week January NoBo (6 days but could have very easily been done in less) / Helen and Craig + (Caro, Ali and Gabby)