
GPT78H (Volcan Yates)

4444 bytes añadidos, 03:52 2 dic 2023
Season 2021/22
==Season 2021/22==
 * GPT 78 / 8-11 Feb 2022 / Packrafting / Southbound / Maxime Hudon Hola! My friend and I arrived to Chile in January 2022 and did GPT17,18, 19, 22 and GPT78 that one cause we decided to stay in Chile. We had amazing experiences but we would like to share our experience on this 78.  We started at Puelo. We walked out of town direction Puelo Chico and turn right after the bridge on the gravel road. The one following the river south. We've been lucky to hitchhike and got a ride to almost the end of that road. We arrived at the settler where we jumped a fence and went talking to the owner. He let us pass for 5000 pesos each and we continue following the path direction south. We reach an other settler's house in the mountain but nobody was there. An incredible view he got there for sure. Then we get confused some time by the different path going in different direction but we find our way by following the GPS until near by the first camp. There is no actually trail to get to the camp. We find a way by bushwalking down the hill following what we thought was a river below. Finally we find a flat spot with plenty of water where we camped. The next day, we kept following the GPS track until the alternative path to Lago Pinto Concha for packrafting. This path is NOT a trail just bushwalking but not too bad easy to just pass trough the spiky plants and our shoes didn't get too wet. Then, the line on the GPS was making us going through a cliff so we found our way by going very slow trough the bushes. Very slow process. Then, we passed the first little small lake before Lago Pinto Concha then trying to kept as close as possible on GPS line we got traped in an impossible terrain where the plants were too thick. We still managed to follow a little creak by using our balance and climbing moves. Fortunately, we arrived finaly at the lake. We packraft it the wind blowing straight on us. Took us about 2-3 hours to cross the lake and reach the beach on the other side where we camped. The next day, we arrived to the National Park where a bunch of people were camping. We followed the trail for Volcan Yates were the path was quite easy to follow. Beautiful view at the top, we started to walk in the crosscountry following the track in the GPS. After a while of walking surrended by volcanos and beautiful views we arrived at the top of a shoulder where the track was leading us to a very steep cliff. That way by our experience and looking other options was the best chance to go down there and reach the river created by the snow melting from the glacier that would take us to Lago Cabrera. Took us ages to go down very carefully cause the rock was shaped and very unstable. Very unsafe we didn't feel comfortable by doing sketchy moves to make sure our feet doesn't slip with our heavy backpack. By a mariacle and after hours we arrived to the river which we followed on the left shore. But after going down a while the river was becoming a canyon were we had to pass in the other shore. We had to walked up the river and find a "ok" place to jumps rocks to cross it. We lost a walking pole om the way. Took us much more time then expected so we had to camp close to shore and kept going on the day. The last day, we kept going down the river. Same story - switching shore to shore by jumping or walking in shoft currant. Then we finnaly arrived to the Lago Cabrera were by pure luck a family where just arrived from the other side by boad and gave us breads to eat cause we didn't plan food for that many days. Crossed the lake wind still in our face. Arrived to the other side where a lot of people where in vacation and camping. We followed the path back to Hornopirén for 8km walk until we got pickup by a truck until Hornopirén.We had amazing time and scary ones. We do not recommend the path we took. The exposure of the descend was challenging and sometime risky for people that don't know what they're going into. Thanks if you have a better idea to do it let us know for the next traveler.Max and Larry  * 2021-Nov-25 to 2021-Nov-28 / 3 days / Hiking / Land traverse from Rio Puelo to Hornopiren / Meylin Elisabeth Ubilla González and Jan Dudeck

First: Thank you Linda Bortoletto and Martin Lizondo for recording this route when being guided by Patricio Bayer in season 2019/20. And thank you for leaving a positive memory with Patricio Bayer. We were granted permission to cross his property after a phone call.
=Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues=
*2021 / Meylin Elisabeth Ubilla González and Jan Dudeck
This route is best hiked southbound and only after obtaining permission from Patricio Beyer by phone (+56 9 8132 4070 and +56 9 9573 5461). You will also cross the property of Eulogio (Lalo) Soto who will probably checks by phone with Patricio Beyer first before letting you pass. He will charge an entrance fee of 5000 CLP per person.
=Links to other Resources=