
GPT19 - Volcán Puyehue

1113 bytes añadidos, 15:13 6 feb 2023
Season Section Log
[[file:Greater Patagonian Trail (2).jpg|thumb|GPT19 - Volcán Puyehue]]
[[file:Greater Patagonian Trail (3).jpg|thumb|GPT19 - Volcán Puyehue]]
* 28.01.23 - 30.01.23 / Yannic & Mirjam/ Northbound
Much has already been explained in great detail, so we will be brief:
We saw no one at the entrance and therefore walked through without paying an entrance fee.
The two water streams in the forest are dry and there is no water directly at the refugio. However, there are still snowfields about 1-2 km further up from the refugio which provide enough water.
There was still enough water at 68.6. After that, there were still isolated snowfields, but partly further away from the trail.
We spent the night between the lava rocks at S 40.53312 / W 72.16869, as there were still snowfields there, which we used for drinking water.
After that, there was no more water until we reached Neri and Hector's house. The two of them were so nice and filled up our water. They charged an entrance fee of 5,000 CLP per person. Because of language barriers, we weren't sure if it was voluntary or because we couldn't show a ticket from the other entrance. Anyway, we paid and moved on.
Hitchhiking to Rininahue went quite well once you are on the bigger Minor Road T-851.
*26.01.23 - 29.01.23 / Anna & Christopher / SOBO, Riñinahue (option 2) - Volcán Puyehue (option 4B) - Licán