
GPT38 - Glaciar Chico

770 bytes añadidos, 14:36 6 feb 2023
Recent Alerts and Suggestions
==Recent Alerts and Suggestions==
*2023 Jan / Yannic & Mirjam / Southbound
The exit on the Chilean side worked without any problems and the officials did not ask about our route.
No one was at home at the Estancia Ventisquiero Chico settler. We spent the night a little further away by the stream.
The hike along Lago Chico was nice and easy. We made a detour via option 4. It is worth going almost to the end to the viewpoint at 1104 m a.s.l. The view of the glacier and the ice field was unique and one of the best viewpoints on the whole GPT.
The next day we went to the Argentine border authorities. The officials were relaxed and since we wanted to spend the night there anyway, we agreed to do the stamp the next day.
The exit stamp, which was 4 days old in the meantime, was no problem at all...
*2019-11-10 / Jan Dudeck