
GPT04 - Alto Huemul

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#REDIRECT [[GPT04 (Alto Huemul)]]
|Imágen Principal=Greater Patagonian Trail (12).jpg
|ComentariosImagen=GPT, section 4, by Matúš Lašan
|KMLZ=GTP04 GPT04- Alto Huemul2023.kmz
==Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions==
 ===Season 2023/24===  ===Season 2022/23=== * 2023-Mar-08 to 2023-Mar-10 / SOBO / RR / Hannes & Luisa We hitchhiked from Agua Buena to Las Peñas. Everything fine till -34.8001 -70.7687. There is a fenced cherry plantation with incorporated RR minor road for a few hundred meters. You can walk around on the left all along the fence and you get again to RR (or maybe take the OH where the fence starts?). Nice camp at the rio at -34.8398 -70.7613 way before the pass. There is still water going up to the pass. Last we found at -34.8576 -70.7593. Puesto with gate at -34.9740 -70.7455, nobody there. Nice camp at -34.9822 -70.7442, probably crowded on weekends and holidays...straight before we got out to the bridge close to Los Queñes another gate with supposed dogs behind, you can walk around this area left side moving down to the river. You will get out directly under the big bridge. In Los Queñes we stood for 15k each at the house of a señora who lives where is the feria de artesania, coming from the cordillera turn right after the Carabinero station and follow about 50m, turn right again, last house bottom left corner near river.  * 2022-Dec-18to 2022-Dec-21 / Tomáš/ NOBO RR & SB OR 
First I went from Terme del Flaco over the pass to Ruta-55. It is easy trail, almost all horse trail, not CC, but in parts overgrown at knee-height with those annoying spiky things, also dusty with little rocks Fallon ginto your shoes as it has not rained since ages. In the afternoon light it was quite scenic. There is a path going from the camping ground along the hot creek (see below) and then the river for about 1 km, then there is a bridge - nicer and shorter than the official route. It took me about seven hours of walking to get to the other side. There is a mine there (I think for cement) with cell reception and I think some 3g service. Then no coverage until Los Quenes. During workweek, there are lots of trucks with the mine material going to a junction 1 km from Los Quenes, so getting a ride should be easy. There is also some traffic towards the border, so a ride as far as this route follows the optional GPT05 track should also be possible, but could involve an hour or more of waiting. In Los Quenes, there are two shops, the first (on the right before you get to town from the direction of the mountains) is better stocked, it had some nectarines, no cherries. On Monday, restaurants were closed (the one marked in OSM at the exit of the town does not seem to exist), not sure about accomodation. Probably possible to stock for a week for GPT05 but it was not great, worse then Coya. (I returned on Thursday and the estaurants were opened ,there is a pizzeria and another one but I did not eat there, the second shop now also had some nectarines).
RR NOBO from Los Quenes is uneventful. The valley is quite beautiful with trees and lovely creek until about 1700, then the track (no snow now) was easy to follow but during midday rather dull including the lakes. It started to be pretty again at about the same height. Met a huge herd of goats with a silent ariero. I got over the same gate as Yannic and Mirjam, ate a few cherries from the new orchard (a few branches were overhanging the fence), then followed the MR without paying anything (I guess they meant the gate with the house and sign saying that some basic food is on sale about 3 km from the tarmac road) going NOBO. Once I reached the tarmac road, I started hitching (enough of cars), never making it to Aqua Buena and not meeting Pedro. Took me 46 hours.
* 2022-Dec-11 / SOBO / RR / Martin & Helena
Contact: @martin_hanzelka @helenneka
 * 2022-Nov-16 / Yannic & Mirjam/ SOBO / RR 
After having a relaxing rest day at Pedro's, we set off for GPT04. Although Pedro explained the route in detail, we got confused in the terrain and ended up going into the plantation.
Optimal would be to start on the trail behind Pedro's house over the hills. Then follow the trail of GPT04 as soon as you reach it (plantations on the right). This way you avoid gates and crossing plantations for the most part.
Descent was steep, but the trail was in good shape (easy cross country) Camp{04}[53.4/852] no longer exists. However, 500m before there is a bigger camp with tables and benches. 500m later (at -34.98982, -70.75429) a smaller one with a simple fireplace. Both directly on the river.
 ===Season 2021/22=== * 2021 Nov-28-30, / SOBO, / RR, / Kris&Stiina
We started from Agua Buena around noon and tried to follow Franks suggestion, but after a few hundred meters where the road turns left we encountered a gate with four angry dogs behind it, otherwise the gate would be climbable.
For more stories of the trail, pictures, videos and in case you want to ask us anything you can find us on Instagram: @smallfootprint_bigadventures
[[Archivo:Greater Patagonian Trail (10).jpg|miniaturadeimagen|Greater Patagonian Trail, section 4]][[File:gpt04 alto huemul.jpg|thumb|Aguas Buenas Valley, by [http:===Season 2020//benoit21=== No log  ===Season 2019/index.php/patagonie20=== * 2020-2018/recitJan-photos10 /5-decembreFrank / Benoit Mirouse].]]* 10 January 2020 Frank RR / Southbound, / 2.5 days
I thought it would be an easy hike from Agua Buena to Las Penas. It isn't. At Agua Buena 500M from start is a fruit farm with no entry sign. No one @ the gate & it was unlocked so I went in. Met the owner & he wasn't too happy to see me but after a discussion I was allowed through. If you go 500M beyond the start in Agua Buena on main road there is a dirt road which branches right just as the main road goes left. The dirt road should come in to join RR just where you exit the fruit farm, allowing you to avoid going through the farm.
You soon leave the dirt road & go down on small trails into thorn scrub. The scrub is thick & if you don't get the navigation exactly right you won't get through. After about 6KM RR goes through another fruit farm. I got in @ low point in fence but had to crawl under fence to get out. It would be easier to stay outside the fence (handrail it) & rejoin RR after the farm.
You cross Bridge 5 into another fruit farm, no entry sign on bridge. As you leave the farm there is a house, they might not let you in here if you are Northbound. Just after you get to the road there is a shop. 3 campsites (paid camping) & 3 shops in Las Penas, last one does small meals. About 2K later you pay 3000 CLP entry fee @ a gate. Camped @ Water 25. There is one place with water beyond that but nowhere else to camp until the lakes. Lakes are nice but no shade & no wood. I would suggest road walking the first section to Las Penas or get the bus (see updated transport section)
*Start Date: December 20, 2019*Section: GPT 04 -Dec-20 / Southbound*Duration: / 3 Days*Name/Alias: Ian Hikes*Overview: If hiking southbound this is the first section where it really starts to get green and the pine trees start to appear more frequently. The first section is dominated by dirt roads with paying campsites, cabins, puestos and other developments. Later you go over a large mountain pass with sweeping views in all direction completely above the tree line. Finally, you follow the valley into Los Quenes which in a nice little town to resupply in. The town has a small supermarket with many food options along with a few restaurants. These include pizza, sandwiches and empanadas. The plaza in the center of town also has free access to WIFI which I used while I was there.*Difficulties: Exposed mountain pass. Route finding*Highlights: Sweeping views. High mountain passes and lakes.*Please feel free to reach out and ask me any questions at
Overview: If hiking southbound this is the first section where it really starts to get green and the pine trees start to appear more frequently. The first section is dominated by dirt roads with paying campsites, cabins, puestos and other developments. Later you go over a large mountain pass with sweeping views in all direction completely above the tree line. Finally, you follow the valley into Los Quenes which in a nice little town to resupply in. The town has a small supermarket with many food options along with a few restaurants. These include pizza, sandwiches and empanadas. The plaza in the center of town also has free access to WIFI which I used while I was there.
Difficulties: Exposed mountain pass. Route finding
Highlights: Sweeping views. High mountain passes and lakes.
Please feel free to reach out and ask me any questions at
* 2019-Nov-30 / Martina & Ivo / Regular route southbound / 4 days
low water levels, no snow, trails in excellent condition. ...and food and accommodation in Los Queñes :-)
* 2019-Nov-30 / Martina & Ivo / Regular route southbound
4 days, low water levels, no snow, trails in excellent condition. ...and food and accommodation in Los Queñes :-)
* 2019-Dec-09 / Matus & Anna / Regular route
We started in Las Peñas (we took Uber there from San Fernando). It took us 2 days.
Trail is in good condition. Some parts on the descend are slightly overgrown, but still easy to follow.
Accomodation, food and tiendas in Los Quenes.
==Summary TableImages=={| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"|+'''GPT04: Alto Huemul'''| colspan="4" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| GPT04: Alto Huemul| colspan="2" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Hiking| colspan="2" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Packrafting|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"|Group| colspan="2" | A: Precordillera|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Total|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|'''60.9 km'''|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|'''21 h'''|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| '''-'''|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|'''-'''|-| style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"|Region| colspan="2" | Chile: O'Higgins (VI) & Maule (VII)|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Trails (TL)|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|31.0 km|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|50.9%|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|-|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Start| colspan="2" | Aguas Buenas|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Minor Roads (MR)|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|26.5 km|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|43.5%|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Finish| colspan="2" | Los Queñes|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Primary Roads (PR)|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|-|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|-|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Status| colspan="2" | Published & Verified|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Cross-Country (CC)|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|3.4 km|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|5.6%|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Traversable| colspan="2" | Nov - Mar (Maybe: Oct, Apr, May)|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Bush-Bashing (BB)|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|-|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|-|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|-|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Packraft| colspan="2" | Only Burden|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Ferry (FY)|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|-|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|-|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|-|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Connects to| colspan="2" | GPT03, GPT05|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Investigation (I)|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|-|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|-|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Options| colspan="2" | 98 km (2 Options & Variants)|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Exploration (EXP)|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|-|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|-|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|-|-| |style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Hiking|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Packrafting| rowspan="4" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| | colspan="2" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Total on Water|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| '''-'''|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| '''-'''|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Attraction|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|2 (of 5)|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -| colspan="2" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| River (RI)|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Difficulty|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|3 (of 5)|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -| colspan="2" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Lake (LK)|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|-| style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"|Direction|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|Both ↓↑|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|-| colspan="2" style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Fjord (FJ)|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| -|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|-|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Comment| colspan="7" | -|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Character| colspan="7" | Semi-Desert, Forest, Alpine Terrain, Mountain Pastures, Farmland, Arrieros|-|style="background-color:#bfbfbf;"| Challenges| colspan="7" | Exposure to Elements, Clambering|}
==Satellite Image Map====Elevation Profile==[[FileArchivo:profile GPT04Greater Patagonian Trail (10).PNGjpg|frameminiaturadeimagen|center|Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route (2019)Greater Patagonian Trail, section 4]]==Section Planning Status====Recommended Travel Period====Benefits of Hiking and Packrafting====Recommended Travel Direction====Section Length and Travel Duration====Suitable Section Combinations====Section Attractiveness====Section Difficulty====Resupply=====Resupply Town=======Shopping[[File: Food========Shoppinggpt04 alto huemul.jpg|thumb|Aguas Buenas Valley, by [http: Fuel========Shopping: Equipment========Services: Restaurants========Services: Laundry========Services: ATM and Money Exchange========Accommodation: Hostals and Hotels========Accommodation: Cabañas========Accommodation: Camping========Transport: Ground Transport========Transport: Ferries========Transport: Shipping Services====// Benoit Mirouse].]]
<br style===Resupply on the Trail==="clear:both" /> ====Location, Names, Available Items and Services===Experimental=
==Access to Route and Return==
Attached bus timetable obtained in January 2020
===Escape Options===
==Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues==
==Regular Route==
===Regular Hiking Route===
===Regular Packrafting Route===
==Optional Routes==
==Investigations and Explorations==
==Links to other Resources==
==Alerts and Logs of Past Seasons==