
GPT26 - Carrenleufú

663 bytes añadidos, 02:24 17 nov 2022
Return from Finish
===Return from Finish===
There are buses to Carrenleufu on Monday, Wednesday & Friday going Esquel-Trevelin-Cerro Centinela-Corcovado-Carrenleufu
They Leave from Esquel bus station at 8:30 & Trevelin @ 9 passing along Avenida San Martin
in Trevelin. Get on at any SOBO bus stop on Av. San Martin in Trevelin. The bus returns from Carrenleufu along the same route to Esquel on Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 12:30
There is a bus from Palena to Vila Santa Lucia & Chaiten every day at 6 & 11
No bus to the border but you can arrange a transfer at El Porvenir shop one block from the plaza in Palena.
The post office in Palena has all bus schedules to & from Palena written on the wall.
===Escape Options===
==Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues==