
GPT21 - Lago Todos Los Santos

428 bytes añadidos, 18:20 15 nov 2022
Shopping: Food
====Shopping: Food====
Cochamó: It is possible to resupply out of the several small markets located here but somewhat expensive. There are several restaurants, including a delicious pizzaría, and many housing options.
Also along Minimercado El Cruce at junction with the gravel road between Ralún and Cochamóin Ralun, very basic. They have drinks, probably wine & possibly pasta. There is a kiosk in Las Gaviotas by the beach with basic snacks & drinks but its opening hours are irregular. On the road 1KM before Ralun NOBO there is a food truck but it only opens in the evenings after 5PM & may be closed in low season. There are many lodgments and meal offersno other resupply options along the road Cochamo-Ralun although there are cabanas about every 4KM, some may provide food if you stay there
====Shopping: Fuel====
====Shopping: Equipment====