
GPT01 - Cerro Purgatorio

490 bytes añadidos, 19:04 9 nov 2022
Season Section Log, Recent Alerts and Suggestions
==Season Section Log, Recent Alerts and Suggestions==
*2022-Okt-31 / SOBO / RR / Yannic & Mirjam
We traveled by metro to Puento Alto. Because the bus MB73 did not come (probably because of holiday) we took an Uber to Posta la Puntilla (much cheaper than to Puntilla Rural).
Gate 1 closed, after waiting 2 minutes a car came.
Gate 2 open on the right side.
Water available at all marked spots.
Nice campground with small swimming pool at the back of the small river at Camp 01 [4/29/1415].
Several campsites on the river around El Melocoton.
*2021-Nov-16 / Marc Anthony