
Glaciar del Juncal (english)

302 bytes añadidos, 13:56 19 feb 2011
Route Description
==Route Description==
[[Imagen:Trek_Glaciar_Juncal_ruta.jpg|left|thumb|Juncal Glacier Trek, Google Earth Image]]
After parking at in Los Hornitos, and registering and paying your entrance fee with the housesPark Ranger, start walking on along the path toward trail towards the southeast, after about 5 minutes you will reach a bridge that crosses the river, the path . The trail slowly ascends for about 25 minutes reaching a lookout that reveals the the entire valley almost in its entirety, and the beauty of the peak Nevados de Juncal and the Alto de Los Leones. The path descends lightly genttly until reaching the valleyVegas de Nacimiento wetlands, starting here, the walk is relatively flat with a few occasional ascents and descents. Immediately after passing some fertile lowlandsthe Vegas de Nacimiento (very delicate, you will reach please refrain from walking on them, particularly as a zone result of large rocks (Bouldersthe drought and illegal cattle grazing), you will reach an area of morains that can be used , prior permission, as a campsite. Here the road trail will open in a fork of out into different paths, you should keep going south until reaching the river Estero Monos de Agua, this river stream is approx. 7 mts wide and it usually does not exceed knee-height, but during the late summer months when the glaciers thaw (December), glacier thaws it can be the greatest obstacle of the entire trek. To cross the riverEstero, it is recommended to take shoes to get wet, because of sandals and a small towel (the low temperatureswater is freezing cold), and a rope in case it is carrying too much water. [[Imagen:Ruta Glaciar del Juncal.jpg|right|thumb|Route to Juncal Glacier]]. It is also recommended crossing the Estero Monos de Agua as early as possible to avoid the a rise increase in the volume of water(but if visiting for the day, bear in mind that water volume will increase towards the evening). Once having crossed, continue on along the valley of the Juncal river (the same valley you have been walking up the pathtrail), and not the Monos de Agua Valley, the later would take you to the [[Glaciar Francisco Moreno]] described under the trek with the same name. Fifteen minutes from the river the path trail begins to ascend and after going around a mountain hill the road trail turns [[Imagen:Vista Cerro Alto de los Leones.jpg|left|thumb|View of the Alto de Los Leones Peak]] left gradually revealing little by little the glaciers of Mount Glaciar Juncal, at the curve the . The moraines of the glacier will start begin to appear as the path gets losttrail disappears. Here a decision must be made taken as to when how far to turn backcontinue. You should keep bear in mind that when you reach the moraine you will be standing on top of the glacier, and these tend to have large [[Imagen:Paisaje trek Glaciar del Juncal.jpg|right|thumb|Landscape Juncal Glacier Trek]]crevices potentially dangerous crevasses that could be hidden from sight under the snow.
===Estimated Time===
*'''Trekking''': 4 hours to the the glacier and 3 hours back.
*'''Mountain bike''': 2 hours to the glacier, 1 hour back.
Also consider 30 minutes of a car ride from the fork to the beginning of the trek.