
GPT13 - Laguna Icalma

12 bytes añadidos, 16:43 26 mar 2019
Basic statistics
==Basic statistics==
{| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"
|+'''HiddenGPT13: Laguna Icalma'''
|colspan="2"|Dec - Apr (Conditionally: Sep, Oct, Nov, May)
|colspan="2"|Dec - Apr Useful (Conditionally: Sep, Oct, Nov, May4.9 km | 4.9 % on Water)
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"| 2 / 5
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 3 / 5
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"| 1 / 5
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"| 2 / 5
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|38.7 km | 10 h
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|31.1 km | 8 h
|style="background-color:#ffbfbf;"|Both ↓↑
|style="background-color:#c2edfc;"|Both ↓↑
|colspan="2"|Both ↓↑-
|colspan="2"|-Published and Verified
|colspan="2"|Published and VerifiedC: Zona Pehuenche
|colspan="2"|CChile: Zona PehuencheAraucanía (IX)
|colspan="2"|Chile: Araucanía (IX)Liucura
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==Section Planning Status==
==Recommended Travel Period==