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== Access ==
===By car ===
[[ImageFile: Mapa_acceso_los_bellotos.jpg|thumb|left|Map. Take the southern road!]] Access is Linares. You must be very careful because Turistel shows two roads. We must take the southern route. Although Turistel and the letter of Roads are two routes of the same features, the road that goes by The Rabones, not pretty, and apparently it is shorter, is in [[state of the road | state bad to very bad]]. It is VERY advisable to take the parallel route that goes south, the L-429, to Robleria. It's a neat and busy road. Linares is 42 kilometers from this far. From Robleria and until a few kilometers after the dam, the road is very good product for the construction of the dam Ancoa. The last three miles to the reserve, beyond the limits of the work in the reservoir, are in a state [[state of the road | fair to poor]]
=== Public transport and hitchhiking ===
Route description == ==
[[ImageFile: Mapa_los_bellotos.jpg|thumb|Tour map]] The route starts after a hotel and after passing through the administration CONAF. A sign of the Path to Chile to the beginning of the road, which indicates the entire route. From this point you should start walking in the opposite direction Ancoa river of great size. It takes about an hour's ascent through oak forests to reach the shed [[ImageFile: refugio_bellotos.jpg|thumb|left|Shed (Refuge). ImageFile: Constance Miranda]], which we call "Shelter". The imprint is clear, with enough loose material product of the frequent passage of livestock. All the way will go see monoliths and small "altars" with Saints (San Sebastian and the Virgin) to leave offerings to the mule drivers. Shortly after one of these altars in a bend in the road, the trail enters an area with almost no vegetation, soon after which is the viewpoint of the Sendero de Chile. Farther up the road gently ascends a plateau populated by large oak trees scattered. At the end of this plateau is the way [[ImageFile: paso_bellotos.jpg|thumb|Paso. ImageFile: Joaquin Barañao]], where there is another altar with the figure of Saint Sebastian. After passage, it's all down to the river Melado. The river and the upper end of reservoir Meld begin to see the twenty minute descent. After a zig zag on a flatter section, a new altar erected on top of a rock. Then the route crosses over a large water conveyance canal, which may or may not carry water as the season (although lead is very difficult if not impossible, to fill bottles without the aid of ropes). After this channel, the trail merges with an old vehicle cumin, which continues for about 15 minutes, to a point at which the vehicle road bends to the right (southeast) but the path follows the river right Melado , toward the river directly. [[ImageFile: rio_bellotos.jpg|thumb|left|Melado a little below. Almost there. ImageFile: Constance Miranda]] Then comes a new zigzag until it reaches the river bank. Going up a few yards along the shore leads to a good place for camping in the shade of the trees, but unfortunately because of his dirty frequent users. It is recommended lowering the bed of the river and camping on the sand. The descent takes about two hours to three hours. The walk to the police station is 1.2 kilometers upstream additional
===Expected Time ===
[[ImageFile:Perfil Los Bellotos (sendero de Chile) .png|thumb|Altitudinal profile of the route]]
At a normal pace, this trek should take about 5 hours between the start of the trail sign for Chile and river. Ideally, do it in two days, staying in the river, but it is perfectly possible to do this round trip in a single day pretty hard. It is possible to reach a lagoon, but that would take a third day on the road.