
GPT20 (Volcan Antillanca)

5215 bytes añadidos, 13 marzo
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
From 2024-02-28 to 2024-02-29 // 1,5 day // Hiking // NOBO // RR + variant D // Quentin Clavel
From Las Gaviotas (because I took the option 1 on GPT 20) I passed the Rio Gaviotas. I slept just after on a flat area. Didn't wanted to go further on that day bc it's the last waterpoint until the end of the section, moreover it was a very rainy day and I was tired about it !
The crossing of Rio was not a problem as it was clear water and without current, knee level (but the next morning, as I was there to fill my water before leaving, the level of the rio was higher bc of the big rains but still doable).
Next morning I was ready to fight the bush, even if the weather was still terrible with big rain that announced a tuff day !
All the way through the heavy rainforest, until the volcanic plateau (10km of fight approx, from PK40,21 to PK 30,53) is overgrown. But there's a trail. It's just that it's somehow hard to follow. There's some blue marks that can helps you, but the trail is abandoned since few years.
Allow a slow pace and try to stick as much as possible to this trail. Everytime it was horrible bushbashing for me was when I lost the track and I had to fight to find it again. Again worse with the rain, all the vegetation was so wet, I had the feeling to be under a cold shower for 10km !
After that it's crosscountry on the volcanic plateau, without vegetation, Landscape changed radically and was amazing. That was my first volcan on the GPT and I was so amazed !
I took the variant D to reach the summit of volcan Antillanca, it's volcanic ground so not easy as it's soft ground with lot of micro rocks. To reach the summit you'll face just before the last push to a big rocky area that you have to conturn from the right or left. I choose left, it was a slippery but imo better than the snowy area on the right.
You left the volcanic plateau, then it's an easy overgrown trail on some part, but nothing compare to the beginning of the section.
I had enough water so I've been straight and didn't stopped to pampa frutilla.
Water is an important point and at the time I was on the track, I haven't seen any from Las gaviotas to Anticura (end of the section, you can take water from Rio golgol or other stream/rivers around). Pampa frutilla is the only oasis.
The trail finish on the road as variant A wasn't possible because of the destroy bridge.
This section stop at the exact point of the entrance of the camping/cabanas that have a restaurant "Lodging $$$ {19} [83.4/364]". I stopped there and ate quite well, happy to recharge my stomach before the next big section. Nice people, wifi if needed, and cozy restaurant.
I resupplied just after, at "Tia Olivia" at Lican, point "Food, Lodging {19} [81.4/345]" but it's really in case of emergency. She's a very nice lady and has in stock Bread, cheese, big bottle of coca cola, some juices and frost empanadas that she warmup.
I was in emergency so I resupply there, but just to keep in mind it's not a minimarket or so, just a tiny tiny resupply possibility. Olivia is a charm we discussed a lot, and she even took from her personal reserve pasta and biscuits that make the next section easier in term of food !
* 2023-Jan-25 to 2024-Jan-26/ 1.5 days / RR + Option 1+3 / Matthias
The route:
Anticura - Pampa Frutilla - Antillanca (-Osorno)
The path is officially closed (in NP)
I checked in at CONAF Anticura (no entrance fees) and had to fill in a form. The ranger reported a broken bridge and therefore not to take Variant A.
From approx. km 28 there is a route marked by cairns up to the MR leading to Antillanca. It’s probably the path marked on OSM.
The MR to Antillanca (option 3) is a toll road. I could get a ride all the way down from the pass to the main road Osorno-Bariloche („Termas de Puyehue“). A bus goes to Osorno around 16:30)
on (first part of) GPT20 was only minor. - I did not go down to LasGaviotas though!!!!. And it’s only for maximally 3 km, I did with shorts and T-Shirt, there is almost no bamboo, worst is (something like?) Ilex aquifolium.
Pampa Frutilla
The detour to Pampa Frutilla is absolutely worth it (and for the water also necessary): Bathing and views!
There is still considerable stretches of snow before and after the pass below vulcano Casablanca, but no problem.
Requires planning your water resources!
No water after Camp km 8.0 until Pampa Frutilla … or until some snow melt before the pass below Volcano Casablanca (around km 24/25)
*2024-Jan-29 to 2024-Jan-30 / 2 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Lilian
Km39.85 : trail junction, sobo go right, nobo go straight.
Ford[40.3/128] : crossing of Rio Gaviotas, a wide crossing. North shore is deeper than south side, up to knee and flowing slow, also there are some stable big rocks underwater you can step on. Easy crossing. Water looks clear and lot of fish inside, better collect water at here, the water condition in lake is not too good.
After the crossing, i didn't follow GPX track and walking on the beach.
Camping spot (-40.87321, -72.18179) on a sandy ground, with nice views of lake and fire pit.
I asked some people at Las Gaviotas, about the ferry to El Poncho, some said 12noon, some said 1pm, some said 2pm, but there is nothing until 3pm i completely give up. I spend 4 hours and wait nothing in a super nice weather day, OMG.
Luckily i find a very tiny shop selling some food, biscuits, eggs, bread, pasta, canned food, drinks, ice cream at (-40.88061, -72.17970). I don't want to go to El Poncho resupply anymore. The shop open at 3.30pm, super friendly, i love them!
Lastly a small ferry arrived here at 4.30pm after i cooked and enjoyed my food from the shop... the ferry's name is Gavoita.
==Season 2022/23==