
GPT06 (Descabezado)

6 bytes eliminados, 10:41 8 abr 2023
Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues
* CONAF does register all trekkers at Parque Ingles (GPT01-WP004) but does not charge an entrance fee. Camp fires are not permitted within the national park that reaches from Radal (GPT01-WP001) to the Laguna las Ánimas (GPT01-WP013).
* (Mar 2023)  When starting from Vilches and going northbound, a permit to access the Volcano (or the Condor Circuit) is required. CONAF won't let you enter in Altos de Lircay without it. Call them to get the correct number. Moreover, you have to pay the entrance fee to the reserve and it is closed on Mondays in March.
Optional start Vilches Alto: Entrance fee was 6000 and camping 3000 PP.
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