Contribuciones del usuario
5 mar 2020
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Section Difficulty
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Section Difficulty
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Section Attractiveness
4 mar 2020
GPT21 - Lago Todos Los Santos
Services: Laundry
GPT21 - Lago Todos Los Santos
Recommended Travel Direction
GPT22 - Cochamó
Recommended Travel Direction
GPT24H - PN Los Alerces Tierra
Regular Packrafting Route
GPT26 - Carrenleufú
Regular Hiking Route
GPT26 - Carrenleufú
Section Attractiveness
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Section Length and Travel Duration
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Transport: Ground Transport
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Transport: Ferries
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Transport: Ferries
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Section Difficulty
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Section Attractiveness
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Section Attractiveness
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Section Length and Travel Duration
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Section Length and Travel Duration
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Recommended Travel Direction
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Recommended Travel Period
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Recommended Travel Period
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Accommodation: Hostals and Hotels
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Access to Start
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Access to Start
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Regular Packrafting Route
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Regular Packrafting Route
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Regular Packrafting Route
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Section Difficulty
GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena
Regular Packrafting Route
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Regular Packrafting Route
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Section Difficulty
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Section Attractiveness
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Section Attractiveness
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Section Attractiveness
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Section Length and Travel Duration
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Section Length and Travel Duration
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Recommended Travel Direction
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Recommended Travel Period
GPT27P - Alto Río Palena
Recommended Travel Period
GPT26 - Carrenleufú
Regular Hiking Route
GPT26 - Carrenleufú
Regular Hiking Route
GPT26 - Carrenleufú
Regular Hiking Route
GPT26 - Carrenleufú
Section Attractiveness
GPT26 - Carrenleufú
Resupply Town
GPT26 - Carrenleufú
Resupply Town
GPT26 - Carrenleufú
Section Difficulty
GPT26 - Carrenleufú
Section Attractiveness
GPT26 - Carrenleufú
Section Length and Travel Duration
GPT25H - Aldea Escolar
Recommended Travel Direction