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Greater Patagonian Trail track files

De Wikiexplora
Revisión del 01:21 27 jun 2019 de Joaquin.baranao (Discusión | contribuciones) (List of requests)

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The track files of the Greater Patagonian Trail are provided on personal request by the author free of charge but not unconditionally. Read in the Hiker's Manual chapter 1.15 Terms and Conditions for Using the Hiker’s Manual and the Trail Files on page 139 to review these conditions and to understand why these conditions were put in place.

Create an account in Wikiexplora (compulsory)

Six (very standard) steps to create an account in Wikiexplora

To request the files you must first create a Wikiexplora account. It really takes less than a minute. The form is in spanish, but it's very standard and simple:

  1. User name
  2. Password
  3. Confirm password
  4. Email. Not compulsory but highly recommended to give us the chance to reach you. Wikiexplora has sent one email in ten years.
  5. Real name (optional)
  6. On the final line, you must type wikiexplora, all in lower case

List of requests

Please type your name and/or user name, and explain the plan that requires the files:

  • Herman van Horssen: We plan to do section 47 to 69 of the GPT in 2020.
  • Sanita Heinz: We plan to do section 1 to 40 of the GPT in December 2019 till March 2020.
  • Lauric Olrik : We plan to do several sections of the GPT starting from November 2019, we have a whole year off.
  • Arno507: We plan to do several sections of the GPT starting fom November/December 2019 till early April 2020.
  • Lea Geibel: Hi, my plan is to do several sections of the GPT starting fom October/November 2019 until beginning of January 2020 and need to figure out which ones are suitable for such an early start.
  • Jose Roman: Hi, my plan is to several sections by bike or hiking staring September 2019 until Abril 2020.
  • Oreste Marquis: Hello, i'm planning to hike sections 06-22 and 32-40 if time allows it. My trip will be from January to Abril 2020.