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ENG:Tour de Lagos de Huilo Huilo

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Sendero La tierra Mapuche al Lago Quilmo "Tour de Lagos"

Sendero La tierra Mapuche al Lago Quilmo "Tour de Lagos"

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Summary (editar)
Activity Trekking, Mountain Bike
Location Chile, Valdivia
Scenery Mediana
Atractions Bosque, Río
Duration 5 días
MTB Duration 1/2 día


MTB difficulty Baja
Trail Siempre Claro
Signage Suficiente
Infraestructure Hotel(es), Cabaña(s)
Topology Ida y Retorno por la misma ruta
Distance (k) 0 (round trip)
(*) Distance Variable for each trekking
Original creator Huilo Huilo
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General Description

Panguipulli is located 117 km. northeast of the city of Valdivia. Accessed through the Route 5 and must take the detour to the Commune of Lanco (65 Kms) and then to head to the mountains on a paved road (49 kms). Panguipulli offers tourist services and facilities necessary for visitors' attention. It is one of several cities in southern Chile fall on the banks of a lake. Its main attractions are:

Cordilleranos Roads: Roads of gravel bordering existing lakes in the area, and the diversity of forest, predominantly type Valdiviana Selva. Route Panguipulli - Neltume - Liquiñe - Coñaripe: gravel road where you can visit the lakes Panguipulli Pirehueico, Neltume Pellaifa, and the small lake Calafquén Pullinque. Almost completing this circuit you can enjoy a break in some of the hot springs Liquiñe sector, infrastructure exists, but alternatives should be reported to the Office of Tourism of the Municipality of Panguipulli. Panguipulli - Coñaripe is on the shores of Lake Calafquén. Coñaripe is 27 km from Panguipulli, has tourism infrastructure (cabins - camping - restaurants) and is a great place for those who enjoy the beach.

Season Huilo Huilo

You can change this path from September to May.


By car

The main entrance is on Route 5 south to the junction Lanco, Lanco go to Panguipulli, then take the international road-Puerto Fuy Panguipulli (Route CH-203) that will take you to the Reserve, located at km. 55. From Temuco to do the route Villarrica - Lican Ray - Coñaripe - Lake Neltume - Neltume. If traveling from Argentina the road ahead is through the international route step Hua Hum, after crossing the lake by barge Pirehueico (Step open all year). Public transport and hitchhiking

Passenger Transport Service Huilo Huilo:

Booking hotels have shuttle van service for up to six people. This service must be reserved in advance. More information and reservations: reservas@huilohuilo.cl


There are direct buses from Santiago to Panguipulli. In the bus terminal lines as Panguipulli Lifit, Lipinza Licarayen and leave from 9.00 am to Neltume and left in the reserve. Bus companies that travel Santiago - Panguipulli – Santiago

Companies that make the tour buses Valdivia – Panguipulli

  • Buses Pirehueico
  • Buses Perla del Sur - (63) 248909
  • Buses Galicia - (09) 4051359
  • Buses Lafit - (56 63) 311 647

Companies that make the tour buses Temuco – Panguipulli

Companies that make the tour buses Panguipulli - Neltume Contact: Panguipulli Bus Terminal - 56-63-311055

  • Buses Lafit
    • Monday to Saturday:
      • Panguipulli - Neltume - Pto. Fuy >> 10:40 - 14:20 (Fridays only) - 17:00 - 18:45
      • Pto. Fuy - Neltume - Panguipulli >> 06:00 - 07:00 - 13:00
    • Sunday:
      • Panguipulli - Neltume - Pto. Fuy >> 18:30 - 19:30
      • Pto. Fuy - Neltume - Panguipulli >> 15:30 - 17:00
  • Buses Lipinza
    • Monday to Saturday:
      • Panguipulli - Neltume - Pto. Fuy >> 12:00 - 13:15 - 19:30
      • Pto. Fuy - Neltume - Panguipulli >> 06:50 - 10:00 - 16:00

Route description

Day 1: Mapuche Land to Lago Quilmo, “Tour de Lagos”

Distance: 18.5 Kilometers

About The trail begins with a venture into the property of Mapuches on the hill next to Lago Neltume. This can be done on horseback and provides a great opportunity to get to know the Mapuche culture, values, and way of life. Breakfast can be had here, along with the chance to buy things like cheese and other artesania. There is a sign marked 13 that you must make a right at on the way up the pass. From here, you have vistas of Lago Neltume, Volcan Villarica, and Rio Cua Cua. As the trail makes its way to Lago Mellizos, a fishery site, lunch can be had. To accomodate better the lunch break at Mellizos, a terraza can be built from the abandoned logs nearby. Javali footprints abound. After the lakes, a view of Volcan Lanin can be had on the downhill trail. The trail of the lakes is adjacent to the property of the subsitstence farming Mapuche community known as Liquiñe Alto. Lago Tranacoihue is heart shaped and together with Lago Pozo Verde are great resting spots on the way to make the first night´s camp at Lago Quilmo.

Difficulty The majority of the difficulty lies in hiking up the hill of Pasa Alto from the start of the trail, which is rated as Hard. This takes 3 hours. After this, making the way down the Pasa and on to Lago Quilmo is rated Medium. It is mostly flat with minor changes in level between lakes.

Day 2: Lago Quilmo to Camp Pozo de Oro

Distance: 16 Kilometers

About After breakfast, this trail departs from Lago Quilmo and it begins to meander through the forest to make an excursion to the Historic Monument known as the Tatu Trail. This segment walks through the underground caves of 12 foreign government refugees in the winter of 1980, who lived here during that time and then escaped. There is a monument that is visited each year by the surviving members of that group, and 2 caves in which they stayed in. After this segment, the trail winds up to Lago Chan Chan, which is a great spot to have lunch and take in the gorgeous virgin lake and its surroundings. After Lago Chan Chan, more hiking with great miradors bring the trail to Camp Pozo de Oro, tucked into a lush spot in the middle of the forest valley nearby a river.

Difficulty Starting from Lago Quilmo is Easy, but once the Tatu segment starts it takes on the difficulty of Medium and keeps it until after Lago Chan Chan, after which is easier. The hike up and back to Lago Chan Chan is 2 hours round trip.

Day 3: Camp Pozo de Oro to Playa Pozo de Oro, Ida y Vuelta

Distance: 6.5 Kilometers

About This day trip from Camp Pozo de Oro gives a day of relaxation on the beach in the middle of the Patagonian rainforest, far away from it all. The hike down is an hour and a half, and the hike back up a little more than 2 hours. The beach is nestled on the banks of Lago Pireheuico, and is consisted of fine and larger grain sand, split by Rio Pozo de Oro. This trail can be done by foot, horse, or bike. After Breakfast at the Refugio, the hike should begin down to the beach and to return for dinner.

Difficulty The hike down from camp to the beach is Easy/Medium, all down hill, but the hike back up is Hard and all up hill. There is a little more than 3 hours of hiking for the entire day.

Day 4: Camp Pozo de Oro to Camp Garcia “The Last Frontier”

Distance: 12 Kilometers

About This is the longest and hardest day of the trail. It starts at Camp Pozo de Oro and ends at camp Garcia, in between being the trail which lies in virgin rainforest and is not always easy to cross. This is the most complicated stretch of trial and can only be done on foot. The trail crosses numerous creeks, and is marked only by machete marks in trees. It is a gorgeous stretch of untouched rainforest that rewards the hiker more and more each step. Miradors, like Punto Sol and Cumbre Lanin, and untouched creeks abound.

Difficulty The difficulty is Hard all the way, until you are out of the forest and on the way to Camp Garica, Easy.

Day 5: Camp Garcia to Las Termas

Distance: 8 Kilometers

About This day is the last day of the trail, it is more relaxed and has an open camino that allows the hiker some more breathing room after the previous day. Highlights are Mirador El Loro and Las Termas in Los Baños. The pace of this day will be more relaxed and suited to the hikers preference. It takes 2 hours to get to El Loro from Camp Garcia, and a little more than one hour from there to the hot springs, which await the traveler with a cafe, food, a beach, and privacy, complete with their own hot log. From El Loro the hikers can eye their destination and make their way down the trail to finish out the day and relish in their accomplishment of the hike.

Difficulty This day is rated Medium, for the consistence of the grade until El Loro. After that, it is a steep but very managable jaunt to the Termas.

Huilo Huilo


  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sunglasses
  • Blocker
  • Hat for sun
  • Water
  • Warm clothes