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→By car
From Punta Arenas there are 254 kilometers by paved way to Puerto Natales. From there, there are two options:
* Old road through Cerro Castillo: Continue to Cerro Castillo, 60 km of paved road. Once in the village, turn left (west) and continue along a gravel road. 44 kms later there is a bifurcation: two roads lead to the park. Take right. After an additional 9 kilometers (113 and 367 from Puerto Natales from Punta Arenas) the CONAF (ranger) post of Laguna Amarga is reached.
* New road to Villa Serrano: From Puerto Natales, advance 16 kms along the old route (towards Cerro Castillo) to the turnoff to the left that leads to the Milodon Cave. The cave is reached after 7 kilometers of road gravel. Since the cave, there is a stretch of 65 kilometers of gravel until the administrative center of the park, at Villa Serrano. From there, continue along the gorgeus gorgeous main road of the National Park, which 39 kilometers later reaches the CONAF (ranger) post of Laguna Amarga
====Public transport and hitchhiking ====