
GPT02 (Mina El Teniente)

2764 bytes añadidos, 23:14 10 dic 2023
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
*2023-Dec-07 to 2023-Dec-10 / 4 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Lilian
Gate[3.3/1049] : gate is opened, nobody there on 7am.
Water,bridge{01} : look like is broken, wet feet crossing. Strong flow and up to ankle at early morning.
Water?{8.7/1298} : dry at river crossing, but is still flowing at downstream, after you cross the stream, dont climb up immediately, there is a side trail on your right side to downstream, follow it about 1 min, you'll hear water flowing, water spot is on your right side, but is overgrown and muddy, not easy to get close. It has a small pool and a spigot (2min/L).
Water?{11.8/1648} : excellent spot, water flowing good with clear and coldwater, has a huge shade for lunch or a break, also a sandy spot for 1 tent.
Water{15.6/1616} : good flowing with a small waterfall at RR crossing, great to take a cold shower in hot mid-day.
Water{20.7/2064} : flowing good.
Ford{21.6/2033} : easier spot at 30m upstream of RR crossing, flowing fast and up to ankle at early morning, much easier than the broken bridge one. A small sandy spot for a small single person tent.
Ford, camp?{22.9/2067} : RR crossing look like up to ankle. Downstream 30m is a better crossing spot, rock bar under water, just up to half of calf, easy. After crossing there is a large flat area, have stone wall for 1-2 tents.
From here to "Ford,camp?{27.5/2209}", some more river crossing, mostly just up to ankle.
Ford,camp?{27.5/2209} : look like no camping spot here?
Climb up steep but easy to follow.
Snow conditions just like Yannick & Nolwenn said, if not comfortable with snow, wait 1-2 weeks for melting.
Still lot of snow after the pass. The last snow slope you need to cross is at km54.1
Camp{57.0+0.3/2286} : when you first see the meadows from high, keep walking a little and look at the mountain side, a stream with a red and white pipe is there, flowing with crystal clear and cold water.
Water, bridge{64.3/1733} : tons of brown sandy water.
Km64.7 : camping spot, but dead cows here.
Km67 : camping spot on valley side, some tree covers and great view, some side trail leads you to there.
Km68.6 : camping spot beside the road.
Bridge, water?camp?{78.2/1736} : flowing good with clear and cool water. Can fit some tents at road shoulder. It is the LAST WATER before the ridge.
Mostly have flat spots for camping at each pass before km85, but windy.
Km85.5 : excellent camping spot, can fit 1 tent, with a blouder for wind protection from south, great views, BBQ grill and cell service.
Lastly, i took 4.5L water go over the ridge, and water all gone, better bring more in January and February.
Coya have a small shop for resupply, not the best but enough, also friendly!
Beside the store is Bar Catalán Coya, they make nice sandwiches!
*2023-Dec-04 to 2023-Dec-08 / 4.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Stiina & Kris