
GPT38 (Glaciar Chico)

1491 bytes añadidos, 20 marzo
Season 2024/25
==Season 2024/25==
'''2025-MAR-14 to 2025-MAR-17 / 3.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / OH-2 + RR to chalten / Adrien, Julien et Valentin
GPT38 optional road 2 failed:
No boat in the evening or morning, as indicated in the comments, at S 48° 54.508', W 072° 58.847' to go to the glacier. However, the Settlers (Estancia Ventisquiero) was empty (off-season?). We camped there and saw a lot of mice in the evening. The next morning, the puesto Estancia la Carmela refused to communicate with us, despite the fact that they had seen us clearly and that we had called at length. Very pleasant. So we took the option to walk to the intersection of the Diablo Pass, where we pitched our tent and walked to the glacier without our bags. A breathtaking view of the magnificent glacier. Then we returned via Argentina and the Diablo Pass to return to Mancilla and make a loop (without telling the carabineros, however). The return via Argentina is much easier, even though there is a lot of undergrowth. We went off-trail at S 48° 59.436', W 072° 51.701' to avoid the customs officers when we saw the control houses to reach the laguna larga at S 48° 58.920', W 072° 49.908'. Lots of animal trails so off-trail quite easy, nice surprise. That being said, passing the next day by the police house at the control brothel (S 48° 59.938', W 072° 50.363'), they were not very attentive to what was happening outside. Very beautiful path then which borders the lago desierto. A happy Hitchhiking to el chalten to finish.
'''2025-MAR-05 to 2025-MAR-08 / 3.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR/ Nimrod & Tamar