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ENG:Glaciar Río Mosco

129 bytes añadidos, 23:17 18 dic 2018
Texto reemplazado: «{{RutaForm2_english» por «{{RutaForme»
[[ES:Glaciar Río Mosco]]
{{Rutas Patrimoniales english}}
{| alignPaís="left"Chile (english)|styleCiudadesChile="width:1000px"Villa O'Higgins| __TOC__BellezaEscenica=Atractiva|<googlemap versionAtractivos="0.9" latVistas panorámicas, Glaciar, Río, Formación Geológica|Duracion="-48.470399" lon1 díaAlgo Exigente |Sendero="-72.491985" zoomTramos sin sendero|Señalizacion="12" heightSuficiente|Infraestructura="500" widthInexistente |Distancia="450" type0 |MetrosAscenso="satellite">http://www.wikiexplora.com/kml/Glaciar_Rio_Mosco.kml</googlemap>|MetrosDescenso=|styleComentarios distancia="width:1000px" valign|AltitudMedia="top" |Primer Autor=Rutas Patrimoniales|Imágen Principal=Mosco1.jpg|KMLZ=Glaciar Rio Mosco.kmz|ComentariosMapa= {{Trekking Chileaportar track}}[[Imagen:Mosco-6b.jpg|thumb|200px|right]]ComparteIdayRetorno=Ida y Retorno por la misma ruta|TipoDeMap=HYBRID}}
==General description==
[[imagen:Panoramica-2-mosco.jpg|300px|thumb|right]][[imagen:Huemul mosco.jpg|300px|thumb|right]][[imagen:Mapa mosco.jpg|300px|thumb|right]]
The "Mosco Glacier" route is
water to drink.
[[imagen:La ruta y sus tramos The_route_and_it_segments_(Mosco).jpg|300pxjpg‎ |thumb|right]]
==Trail Markers==
[[imagen:Senaletica (Mosco).jpg|300px|thumb|right]]
The design of the signs marking
===Segment 1===
'''PARQUE CERRO SANTIAGO –- CHACRAS ROAD CROSSING'''[[imagen:Mosco1.jpg|300px|thumb|right]]
From the civic plaza of Villa O’Higgins
===Segment 2===
After crossing the trail from the
===Segment 3===
'''START OF FOREST –- PATAGONES CAMP SITE'''[[imagen:Mosco_3.jpg|300px|thumb|right]]
Entrance into the forest coincides with
===Segment 4===
'''PATAGONES CAMP SITE–SITE- PUESTO RIVERA SHELTER'''[[imagen:Mosco_4.jpg|300px|thumb|right]][[imagen:Mosco_4_b.jpg|300px|thumb|right]]
From "Camp Patagones" continue
===Segment 5===
'''Rocky hill 1° Narrows - Lookout Mosco Glacier'''
This section is characterized by the
===Segment 6===
'''Rocky hill 1° Narrows - Lookout Mosco Glacier'''
[[imagen:Mosco_6.jpg|300px|thumb|right]][[imagen:Retroceso glaciar mosco.jpg|300px|thumb|right]]
From the Desplaye up, the valley of the
*Be very careful with hidden ice patches.
*Have as little contact as possible with wildlife and if you do see huemules, allow them to have an escape route and stay as still. Any trail that they leave: hoof prints, antlers, marks on the trees, tell us of their lives, leave them where they are, take note and photograph them. Share your information with the park keepers of Conaf or other institutions, they may be important for the conservation of these animals.
 ==Route in Google Earth====Expected time==*[[Mediacategory:Glaciar Rio Mosco.kmz|Waypoints Routes in Google Earthenglish]]{{Download waypoints}}

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