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Circuito Cerro Castillo (english)

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==Why choosing this trek?==
One of the best treks in Chile, passing through places with beautiful views of the mountain with its glaciers, which dominates the northern sector of the General Carrera. Huemules high High probability of spottinghuemules, all surrounded by large beech forests. I think that in 4 days, we encountered no more than 8 people.
== Access ==
With the backpack along a path to 4 x 4 (the first day will almost always follow this path), must be avoided and a gate about 50 yards away across a creek by a bridge of sticks about 20 meters above the path. The road will pass along the left bank of the river, for about 30 minutes by spaces from which the forest has been cleared for cattle. After half an hour trek that crosses a clear path, surrounded by beech by approximately one hour. At this point we reach several small pastures with cattle and a small house to the left side of the road. At this point we have to ford a stream coming from the south (the first of about 3 or 4 and sometimes take off their shoes vadearlos as the water rises above the knee), which makes it a little slower the walk (the process of taking off one's shoes, cross the river and again put on his shoes). From this point you can see debiese and Castle Hill, with its glaciers.
[[image: 2009 02270400.JPG|thumb|250px|right|View of the Massif during the trek day 1]]
With the storms of February 2009, water was part of the way (is particular and there are not many efforts to repair). After an hour you must cross a new stream for this case located on the right (north) of the watercourse, for another 45 minutes after having to cross another creek more. After the road goes through a forest of beech large after an hour to see a pond on your left. From this point, after 30 or 45 minutes you reach a place of camping CONAF enabled, with a cabin for the rangers, tables, places for fire and a latrine. The place is beautiful, since one is surrounded by beech about 15 to 20 meters high. If there is more energy, you must stop here, but worth it to proceed to shorten the hike the next day.
One will reach the west arm of the Estero del Bosque (coming from the lagoon) and route it back at its northern shore, arriving after about 45 minutes Camping Estero del Bosque. About 10 minutes after this place has to cross an arm of the estuary (bring lots of water, is actually a river) by a team of about 70 inches wide that can be very slippery when it rained. It is better to sit and go through the trunk between his legs to fall about 3 to 4 meters to reach the icy river. From this point the road goes up through the beech forest for about 90 minutes until they begin to finish the wood. These last remnants of the forest, there are good places to camp at the upper side of the road, with Castle Hill over one.
[[image: 2009 02270503.JPG|thumb|250px|right|Laguna Cerro Castillo]]
This is the best place to camp, because in the lagoon one can be very windy and cold. La Laguna is a 15 minute walk from here.
=== Day Three: Laguna Cerro Castillo - Camping New Zealand ===
The route ascends and after about 15 minutes one above the Lagoon, where a breathtaking view of the glacier and Cerro Castillo. The route follows the south side of the lake to rise sharply for about 1 hour to reach a plateau, where one must loom to the south side. This plain is very wide the saddle between two hills, where one has a big, big panorama of the northern sector of Lake General Carrera, Villa Cerro Castillo, the southern highway, Rio Ibañez, ice fields north and the Hudson Volcano. It's worth sitting down to watch and admire the view for good minutes.
[[image: 2009 02270512.JPG|thumb|250px|right|Cerro Castillo, rising from the lake]]
Go back and should continue to take the rise for about an hour west by northwest direction to get a new door that in this case faces the valley of the Estero Parada. Supposedly, from this point there is a trail that goes to the upper margin of the forest to arrive at Camp New Zealand. However, the storms in February 2009 erased all signs of the trail, eroding the route. That's why we had to come almost directly, very slowly, to reach a grove of leafless trees.
It turns out that the southern sector of Cerro Castillo is affected for about 2 to 3 years by a plague of Cuncuna who devour every year in summer the trees. The plague Cuncuna advances and remaining in the half, they starve.
[[image: 2009 02270555.JPG|thumb|250px|right|Cuncuna Plague]]
Well, once we reached the forest began to move right to the west, by any clear path until after about 45 minutes we reach the path up to the New Zealand camp. After about 2 hours by the trail we reached the camp, which has tables and a latrine.
== Recommendations ==
== Waypoints in Google Earth ==

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