
Termas del Azufre - Laguna Mondaca circuit

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== Description of the route and suggested itinerary==
=== Day One ===
[[ImageFile: Trekking laguna mondaca.jpg|thumb|left| Map of the route based on waypoints [[documentation | Schubert and Sieber]]]] [[ImageFile: DSC02852.JPG|thumb|Forest burned. Photo courtesy of Andrew Roncagliolo]]
It is important to start early, as during the day can become very hot (I recommend going out with about 2 liters of water in the bag, because the next water source will find surely is about 3 hours above ). Before leaving, notify the office of CONAF the route, which serves to receive information about this. The starting point is the CONAF office, going through a gate behind it, through grazing land is being reforested with native forest. After walking about 30 minutes long climb, one passes through an area that burned in January 2008 for a "brilliant" that occurred to him and throw your cigarette smoke.
Shelter From the road climbs and passes through a first scrub ñirres sector. In this sector we must be careful because it is easy to lose the route (there are several spray-painted orange arrows pointing toward the river, NOT to follow). Among the options that you can "lose" is delivered directly to the Salto del Indio. After 20 minutes you come out of this first ñirres sector, following the path (in this area is clear) to enter a plain composed of sand and rocks swept away by the river and landslides in the hills north side of the road. About 10 minutes beyond one is empty with a sign, whose information was erased by the sun and snow.
[[ImageFile: Panoramica - Valle del Indio 01 (piedra).jpg |thumb|Route to be missed, the cross is the rock. Photo courtesy of Andrew Roncagliolo]]
You can see a new ñirres sector, to be taken through the center of it. There is a'' 'square rock''', almost like a table in the middle of a lawn (mowed religiously for horses and cows that roam), with the river right side. From this stone go straight until it touched the wall and follow ñirres left. After a few yards you will find the last miracle in this maze of thick ñirres (I lost myself in this industry when I did this trek). I recommend not taking it on the left side (above the line of the ñirres) or right (by river), why not see where the trail continues, losing the starting point of the hill to the Laguna de las Animas.
After emerging from this thicket of ñirres the road passes through the bed of an estuary, reaching another bush, less dense than the last. From the dry bed of the stream, facing Cerro Tres Puntas, clinging to the hillside which is toward the northeast, will see a sign indicating "Laguna de las Animas". From the sign, should take about 60 to 90 minutes to climb the hill (the path is clear), which has a couple of breaks with good views of the valley. In the saddle, may run a little wind.
The last part of the day is from the saddle, down to the Laguna de las Animas, a remarkable Andean lagoon with white sand beaches that invite a dip stick. To this place, from the Bolson should be 2 to 3 hours depending on the physical condition and accumulated fatigue of the day. [[ImageFile: DSC02729.JPG|thumb|left|Laguna de Las Animas. Photo courtesy of Andrew Roncagliolo]]
===Day Two ===
The trail starts from the south east of the pond, covered up by some sectors in certain seasons of flowers and grass. About 30 to 40 minutes after you leave you will come to a small mat that crosses a large meadow, while at high speed down the slope. After this meadow and one 30 minutes later, they reach the top of a hill, where one stream debiese spotted a wide, but shallow. If you or another should fill their bottles, as when crossing the saddle will not have water for a long time.
From this point, the trail starts to pick up the slope, pointing toward the north. The trail will continue through large fields of volcanic pebble nearly white, a sort of pumice stone, stones stained dark brown. Walk down this pebble can become tiresome (which will be the scene for several hours walk), as one sinks into it and reflects light and solar radiation. It should take about an hour to get to portezuelo, where he will have a unique panorama of Laguna Mondaca and glaciers Peteroa Volcano. [[ImageFile: DSC02743.JPG|thumb|View of Laguna Mondaca. Photo courtesy of Andrew Roncagliolo]]
Portezuelo fall of always following the hillsides who will be his right side, following the path (the line is noted and in some areas there are small stone monoliths), without suggesting in any way to Laguna Mondaca. The slope in some areas may become pronounced. After about 2 hours to reach a stream, which will seem a piece of paradise in this volcanic desert as the shore is covered with flowers of various colors. Rest in this place and hidrátense.