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{{RutaForm2|Actividad=Trekking|País=Chile|CiudadesChile=Cochrane|BellezaEscenica=Atractiva|Atractivos=Vistas panorámicas, Glaciar, Bosque, Flora atractiva, Fauna atractiva, Lago, Laguna, Río, Parque Nacional, Parque Privado|Duración=4 días|Dificultad Física=Algo Exigente|Dificultad Técnica=Alta|Sendero=Tramos sin sendero|Señalizacion=Suficiente|Infraestructura=Refugio(s), Camping|TipoTrek=Recorrido|Distancia=50 km.|Desnivel=x.xxx metros|Primer Autor=Nicholas Widmyer|TipoDeMap=HYBRID}}
==General Description==
A wonderful trek through the valley of the Aviles River which connects Jeinemeni National Reserve with Estancia Chacabuco, a national park in the making. The trail follows a route the first colonists in the area used to travel between Cochrane and Chile Chico. While this description is from north to south, it is also possible to do this route in reverse.