
GPT01 (Cerro Purgatorio)

1546 bytes añadidos, 00:43 3 ene 2024
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
* 2023-Dec-24 to 2023-Dec-25 / 2 days / SOBO / RR and new variant / Matthieu
Nice hike to begin with GPT, no particular mountain difficulties. I began in Pirque after taking the buq MB74 at bellavista de la florida.
Variant : I followed chileans hikers on variant E to the nothern bank of the river el sauce (sendero estero el sauce on OSM, easily followed with the GPS). Seems funnier than the RR, you cross a nice pool. You have other trails to go down at the river and enjoy on the way.
All water markers are correct. Remember to bring enough water for the pass at water 18,7, it's really hot up there. Water 29,7 very good stream.
The end of the trail after is a big web of trail along the el sauce river, with places to bath and camp. So the water is not rare. Lots of hikers when I was there (25 december).
Camp : at bridge water 18.7.
Seems like lots of nice places after water 29,7 when you explore along the river.
Gate 11,2 : Not possible to go around, electrical and fence. It was opened by a person in a car after 5 minutes waiting. No question about my passage. I then crossed roads with an arriero with horses and another car, on 24th december. Seems like this trail is crowded, so the gate seems not to be a problem with patience.
The other gate is only for cars, way to go around as a hiker.
Other : crossed a snake in the middle of the trail. See my section 2 post for more infos.
A very tiny scorpion near my tent in the morning... put some shoes when you go for a pee at night !
No river crossings issues
* 2023-Dec-5 to 2023-Dec-6/ 2 days / SOBO / OH & RR / Matthias