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GPT31H (Valle Simpson)

652 bytes añadidos, 02:55 7 sep 2023
Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns
==Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns==
*2 supermarkets in Coyhaique. 2 small shops in Villa Frei but they will not be open when the first bus arrives.
*Several shops in Coyhaique sell camping gas. Shop around as prices vary a lot.
*There are several hiking shops in Coyahique.
*Lots of restaurants in Coyhaique. They generally open around 10AM. Moneda de Oro on the main street is good.
*2 exchange offices in Coyhaique, rates may be poor. Several banks & ATMs. All ATMs will be closed outside bank opening hours. Banco Estado opens on Saturday mornings.
*Lots of places in Coyhaique. Bosque Patagonia hospedaje at the side of the Unimarc supermarket is one of the best cheap options.
==Resupply and Accommodation along the Route==

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