GPT28P (Bajo Rio Palena)
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- General Recommendations: The section is best paddled between January and May. The primary danger would be a high and fast river, most common early in the season or after heavy rain. The river can only be paddled westwards.
The paddling portion of this section on Rio Palena is 78km and takes about 1.5-2 days to complete. Together with GPT27P, the two sections are 180km in total and take around 4 days. The ferry journey from Raul Marin Balmaceda takes an additional eleven hours, but only runs twice a week (Thursdays and Sundays). The section is stunning, interesting, unpopulated and fun. This section feels even more remote than 27P, although the river here becomes calmer. The mountains and farmland of 27P give way to hills and woodland. It is quite easy to not see another person until within a few kms of the section’s end. Combined with 27P, paddling one river down from the mountains out to the Pacific is a wonderful experience. A very attractive section.
The ferry ride from Raul Marin Balmaceda to Puerto Cisnes is spectacular. It threads along the coastline passing mountains, islands and fiords. Very beautiful indeed, and an opportunity to scout out future packrafting options.
Although Section 28P is easier than 27P, Bajo Río Palena may not be suitable for beginners. There are a number of rapids, countless tree and rock obstacles, and occasional strong currents and whirlpools. At times of high river levels, the river will not only be faster, but there will be fewer places to get out or scout. There are many more rapids than indicated in the track file. That said, the rapids are generally not above Class 2, plus, the many obstacles in the river are avoidable.
As the river widens and calms, the challenges become occasional strong head winds and potentially adverse tides. These can slow progress significantly.
Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions
Season 2025/26
Season 2024/25
- 2025-02-24 to 2025-02-27 / 4 days / Packrafting / SOBO/ RP / Daniela&Gabriela
We started quite late on the 24th from the bridge of Rosselot river in La Junta, because we had an issue with the TZIP of one of the packrafts, so that day we only paddled for a couple of hours and camped near Fundo El Sauce (44°00’18.72’’S, 72°32’58.82’’W). We avoided Rapid {28P}[8.1/33] by taking the right flank at the previous fork. You just need to be careful with a large rock on the right just before the junction, as the current pushes you in that direction.
On the second day, we took it easy and started paddling around 12 hrs. Our plan was only to reach the hot springs so we could enjoy them in peace. Unfortunately, it was a very rainy and windy day, which made us go very slowly, so we only managed to reach the hot springs around 4:30 PM. We camped right in front (44°00’25.9’’S, 72°36’33.54’’W) after enjoying the thermal waters.
On the third day, we had to start early because our progress had been very slow. We tried to coordinate our paddling with the tide to have a favorable current, but it didn’t seem to work well. It was a physically tough day; we advanced very slowly, and there were sections where the current was not in our favor—at times, if we stopped paddling, we would even drift backward. That day, we camped near the bridge of the Garrao Channel.
On the fourth day, we woke up late to paddle the Canal Garrap at high tide, as we'd been told it was the best way to do so, and it actually worked to reach the Pitipalena Fjord. When we arrived at RMB, some beautiful dolphins greeted us; it was beautiful.
- 2025-02-14 to 2025-02-15 / 2 days / Packrafting/ SOBO/ RP, variant G / Tomáš&Natalie
From La Junta camp, it took us about 5,5 hours to reach the hot spring (Variant G) despite facing significant wind for the last 90min (20-30 km per hour?). The river is nicely flowing despite having several slower sections. Rapid 24.1 caused us trouble. In the middle of the two rapids I wanted to check the map for the hot springs, so we exited to the giant eddy on the right. When we tried to re-enter, Nat wanted to make a plan, but I did not give it enough time, so we ended up edging wrongly, hitting whirlpools that filled our Beluga (we named our raft!) and almost capsizing not that far from some large strainers. I was not expecting the whirlpools and eddy lines to be that strong. Natalie did not want to risk falling in front of the strainers again, so she chose to walk (more like crawl) through driftwood to the lower part of the rapid. With more care, I had no issues entering the current the second time though. The hotspring belongs to somebody, you are not supposed to loiter, make fires or camp. It has a good temperature and is clean, visit it! It does not seem to be used often, judging from footprints, so you would probably get away with camping. The two changing rooms might be big enough for one person in each to sleep diagonally, or perhaps (!) pitch a tent next to them. During the day, there were no mosquitoes there. We left around 6PM and at that time the wind had subsided. We paddled the next 10 km to here: -43.90048, -72.82275 in 100 minutes. Jen Ni notes that the tide begins to cause an effect around the large 270°turn, so we wanted to get close to there since our low tide the next day was at 10:30am (Puerto Montt). At camp we were not "swarmed" by mosquitoes like Davide, but there were many, and they were unusually vicious. We started with first light shortly before 7am the next day. It took us 80 minutes to paddle 7,7 km to the water waypoint. The next 7.5 to camp at 61.7 took 70 minutes and the last 6 km to Canal Garrao took another hour, so we arrived at the canal by 10:30am. Therefore, without headwind and with tide in your favour, you can get to the Canal in five hours from the hot spring. In the canal, which took 90 minutes, there was no significant wind or tide. We had to walk the boat for a few hundred meters on the beach, as we kept to the left, but boats passing by on the right indicated that the right was deeper. I chose to follow the RP for the last bit, which crosses the fjord to the north even though Nat was favoring staying along the longer southern coast. When you face a rising tide, my idea to stay on the RP is probably not such a good idea. Both wind and tidal currents seem to be concentrated between mainland and the island at -43.79032, -72.93086, producing a strong push against you. It employed all our strength to overpaddle it, and because all exits are covered in barnacles, there was no place to rest. It took us 80 minutes to paddle there and back to the southern shore (~3km); -43.78535, -72.94612, where the wind and current were significantly less and we saw the cute dolphines. So moral of the story, if one is fighting the tide/wind we recommend staying along the southern shore or going left of the small island.
In Puerto RMB, Hostal el Viajero is still 15 thousand per person. There are rooms for either two or three people, no dorms and a large garden for cleaning your boat. We had the whole second floor to ourselves, giving us one of the best ever price to quality over the whole GPT. Entel in town was slow (3G+) but functional. The shop selling the ferry tickets (Supermercado Isla del Palena) does not have Starlink, the restaurant/hospedaje next door does (Hostería Isla del Palena). I bought the last three nectarines in town. The next day, the ferry arrived ten minutes late at 9am and took one hour to discharge its cargo to townspeople, though we were told sometimes it comes and leaves in 10 minutes. It passes a penguin colony on these island: -43.77428, -72.95423 and -44.48459, -72.72564, which were close enough to observe. There were also many swimming around the ship as we left RMB. The stop in Melimoyu was long (1 hour?), perhaps ask if you have enough time to go walk around the carless village. The ferry arrived at 20:30, about one hour (?) late. From Puerto Cisness, a bus leaves for Coyhaique right after (well, more like half an hour) the ferry arrives. You can buy tickets in the office on board of the ferry. We had to pay the full fare of 10 thousand CLP to go to Villa Manihuales, which took 2 hours. There was a short weather window and we thought it would be easier to get to start of 29P from there. Having arrived at 11PM, we went to the river here: -45.16933, -72.14155, where there is a hidden spot you can camp; there was one other Chilian tourist tent and nobody disturbed us until 9am, when we packed and left. Town good for resupply, good fruit shop here: -45.17253, -72.14693.
- 2025-Jan-18 to 2025-Jan-19 / 2 days / Packrafting / SOBO / RP + Variant G + RP / Davide Materia
Written as connection to 27P: 18th-This might have been the worst day as an experience, my idea was to do 2/3 of the remaining distance to Puerto Raul Marin as I wanted to do the remaining third before the low tide peak at 12:40 of the 19th. Thing is, there are no proper camping spots at the targeted distance. In general the day went by quite calmly and all considered it was ok, by the time I reached the zone were I eventually camped, the wind was too strong to keep paddling West bound. Thus I camped the best I could at this location S 43,885427° O 72,835854°, this location I believe is only viable during the dry season to have sufficient safety distance from the river. During wet season one will have to find a spot between the present islands's vegetations. In any case, camping on the riverbed revealed to be fatal in terms of mosquitoes, a presence I hadn't yet seen on the GPT in this amount. Really, do not camp on this trait unless you are ready for hundreds of them surrounding you and your tent, so much that you will want to hold your bathroom needs for the next day. I thus suggest camping before, when the morphology of the river allows sufficient distance from the water and there is proper ground to camp on, rather than river sands. 19th- I started quite early to be sure to not take the inversion of he tide at 12:40. Unfortunately after 5 minutes I lost my insta360 go 3s in the water, and losing 45min searching for it in the low water only resulted in 45min delay. I thus continued. After few km I found three kayakers that were camping on the beach after the one I camped on. I got acquainted enough that they invited me to stay for the night with them at Puerto Raul Marin. I thus continued as they were definitely faster with a kayak than me with a packraft. The day was calm, nothing to be noticed if not the always present logs in the water. The arrival was quite rough as due to my delay I indeed had around one hour of paddling against the tide and wind, by this time the kayakers had joined me back so that I had company at least.
Overall the river is a nice paddling experience, you go over quite long stretches of uninhabited land and long nice panoramic sections.
- 2024-Dec-10 to 2024-Dec-11 / 2 days / Packrafting / SOBO / RP + Variant G + RP / Roman
Route: Did the normal RP route and the Variant G
As I was connecting from GPT27P it was easy access.
The river was quite wide and I would say with a lot of water. All rapids can be easily done and I haven't done scouting.
I would consider myself a beginner - this is my 2nd season on the GPT with a open packraft (Amfibio Delta MX).
Camped after day 1 here: -43.899418, -72.857532. I downloaded the tides and wanted to start late in the day to use the tide to the full advantage (high tide was 10:32 AM) and I started 10:30 AM. The effect of the tide (2m at RMB) was definitely noticeable. In hindsight I should have started earlier as I was facing havy headwind as the other days but as there was less current progress was slow (day 1: 6.6 km/h day 2: 3.9 km/h).
Arrived at Ferry, Camp {28P} [64.7/5] at 13:30 PM. Went trough the canal which is very calm with very slow current. As low tide was at 16:42 PM I carried the boat 900m over a bank from: -43.803283, -72.917054 to -43.797686, -72.932112 to have sufficient time during low tide. Arrived at RMB at 16:50 PM. Stayed at Camping Chungungo Expediciones Raúl Marín B. which was really nice.
Overall very nice calm and easy river, at this point in time with the given waterlevel and conditions.
Season 2023/24
- 2024-Jan-24 to 2024-Jan-29/ 5.5 days easy / Packrafting / GPT 27P+28P SOBO / RR / Lauren & Seb
Together with GPT packrafter Daniel, we rivered in at Rio Palena Bridge {27P} [2.3/194]. Water level looked lower compared to the previous water line so we expected more visible rapids and occasional ground contact but generally no problem if you follow the main current.
We enjoyed upper Rio Palena’s numerous Class 1-2 rapids which kept the journey interesting. The first Rapid {27P} [4.2/178] requires scouting- at the bend, we took the line on the left which will keep you out of the stronger whitewater on the right. After that the other rapids were relatively easier in our opinion but reading the best line to avoid being sucked into swirls or going over inconspicuous trees underwater still demands your constant attention.
If you have registered for the Chilean fishing license, you will be delighted to catch many fresh trouts in Rio Palena. We took some easy days, camped early and fished when headwind picked up around 3-4pm.
One highlight for us was the Hot Spring {28P-G} [1.3/40] Termas Puerto Bonito where we enjoyed a soak in the mystical mossy forest. Just across that is a beautiful beach where we made camp (it comes with a stellar view of the glaciar Cerro Melimoyu).
On Day 5, we camped at -43.89304, -72.87743 and set off at 6.30am on Day 6. High tide was around 4.30am and the outgoing low tide was favourable for us by the time we were heading towards Canal Garrao which was a peaceful channel.
Estero Piti Palena was another highlight as we spotted the residential dolphins, penguins and sea lions. Wind and wave conditions were good all morning but expect headwind to pick up from noon when you paddle towards the beach.
The minibus schedule from RMB to Coyhaique is Wednesdays 0800 and Sundays 1000. We initially opted for the bus due to incoming rainy weather and the ferry only runs on Thursdays 0430 and Sundays 0900. However we did not manage to get onto the minibus as seats were full and apparently you require a whatsapp reservation (Alicia Rosas +56966092922 / Hugo Jara +56999351839). We ended up staying at hostel El Viajero (15K per person) which is a fantastic find. We sat out the rain next to a lovely wood-fired stove and took the ferry the next morning at 0430. Note that internet connection is slow in town but we found out that the Almacen Isla Del Palena (which also sells the ferry tickets) has Starlink and they were happy to host us for the duration of our video calls.
- 2024-Jan-23 / mad nomad / Westbound / Regular Packrafting Route from La Junta to the ocean / 1 day
I was coming from Alto Rio Palena (GPT27P) but right after La Junta, the headwind increased and it was impossible to continue. It was even pushing me against the stream! I had to get urgently out of the river and even reaching the shore was quite a task! Well, that's how Patagonia is... We have to respect the weather conditions.
- Santo Domingo - Puyuhaupi: Options 3, 5, 6, 7, GPT30P/ Packrafting / 2024 Jan-08 / 8 days / Jordan Jennings
OK! I would like to acknowledge here that as with any section, our perspective having completed a section is always coloured by the weather and conditions we experienced.
Now that has been said, my next comment is this: Canal Jacaf is a beast and was by far the most challenging packrafting section I have yet completed in Patagonia.
I started in SD, actually spent two days with Juan Carlos who owns the property surrounding SD. No one else lives there unless he has a worker on the property. You might want to let him know you’re coming as he has a dog which may be waiting when the ferry door comes down. +56 9 6238 7187. He’s an interesting character.
I also spent some time with Pia at Hosteria Melimoyu. She is super lovely and her hostel is beautiful as Jan mentioned.
A very suitable trip for packrafters id to do Santo Domingo to Puerto Gala - both have access to ferries. This route means you can explore the more sheltered Seno Melimoyu and Seno Gala fiords. There is some exposure to weather reaching Puerto Gala however.
The other option is to finish at Puyuhuapi or Prto Cisnes. The former is safer as a open water crossing of Fiordo Puyuhuapi is not required (c2.5km at most narrow point). Saying this, Canal Jacaf is a challenge. The predominant wind coming from the west creates uncomfortable waves throughout the entire distance of the canal. It’s remote, with little by the way of exit opportunities, so take extra food. If you usually take one extra days’ worth, take 3.
I had unstable weather roll in from Bahia Bonita (worth a visit not far from P. Gala) all the way through CJ. I spent three days waiting waves that were too large, battled through conditions that I would have rather avoided had I not had the constraint of limited food. The only other ppl in the area are Salmoneros and they spend 20 days on/20 days off on the farms, so they don’t make frequent trips into puerto cisnes/puyuhaupi. Likely they would radio the maritime police to rescue you if you asked them for help. Luckily I didn’t have to but I was too close for comfort to need to.
So if you’re going to do Jacaf, make sure you start with a good weather window, and be prepared to wait for it to pass if one comes out of nowhere like it did to me.
HOWEVER - beautiful area. I imagine on nice days it would be heaven. Some of the beaches reminded me of Los Alerces in Argentina.
Finding suitable campsites above high tide line can be challenging but is doable. One trick which worked for me is finding a fresh water source eg a creek, and walking up it to find a space to pitch my tent. I didn’t have a machete but my free standing tent was a blessing.
Agua dulce is easy to find - one of the benefits of a rainy region :) but I still always had one days’ worth on me at all times in case I needed to find the next available camp and not fuss over water.
Happy to be whatsapped +447464304622
- 2023-Dec-06 / 2.5 days / Packrafting / SOBO / RR + Variant G / Tom Pieper
Most has been said in previous posts. The river is easy but headwinds can be annoying from time to times. Termas are a must see. In fiordo pitipalena I was surprised by a dolphin just 2 m in front of me. They are quite currios there. The ferry in the direction of Puerto Chacabuco leaves Thursday and Sunday at 8.50 AM.
Season 2022/23
Season 2021/22
Season 2020/21
- 2021-Feb-05 to 2021-Feb-08 / GPT28P Option 5: Packrafting Seno Gala (and Ferry from Puerto Chacabuco to Quellon) / Northbound Packrafting / Masha Ovchinnikova , Mikhail Bogdanov , Meylin Elisabeth Ubilla González and Jan Dudeck
Two years ago we rushed by packraft in about 4 hours through Seno Gala to paddle from Santo Domingo via Villa Melimoyu, Canal Jacaf and Canal Puyuhuapi to Puerto Cisnes (GPT28P Option 6 and 7). This left no time to investigate the lateral arms of this scenic fjord. Therefore we decided to return now and to utilize three days with optimal weather to enter the three lateral arms of Seno Gala.
To share this experience we invited Masha and Misha to join us on this packrafting exploration.
Navieraustral operates the ferry “Queulat” that travels twice per week the fjords between Quellon and Puerto Chacabuco (and back) and that stops at all the villages and settlements en route. This ferry greatly facilitates access to several remote fjords that are suitable for packrafting due to their generally wind sheltered location and orientation.
When we approached by ferry Isla Gala in the Canal Jacaf at 04:00 am in the morning the wind prediction and the actual wind condition were both perfect to cross the rather open Canal Jacaf to enter Seno Gala from the south. Therefore we opted to leave the ferry at Puerto Gala to start the investigation from Isla Gala and not from Melimoyu (“Plan B”). Starting in Melimoyu from the north would have provided a better wind protection in suboptimal weather.
. Puerto Gala to Isla Rudy, Isla Fabregas and Punta Marquez (Canal Jacaf): In this more open part wind, waves and tidal flow are typically stronger than within Seno Gala. But thanks to the optimal weather we had no wind and waves and during falling tide we had a 1 to 2 km/h northbound tidal flow while passing east of Isla Chita (2 to 3 hours after high tide, apparently the water leaving Canal Jacaf is redirected by these islands). I’m now left with the impression that tidal flows in the vicinity of Isla Gala are normally manageable by packraft.
. Punta Marquez to Punta Wieghardt and Isla Jewet: During falling tide about 3 to 4 hours after high tide the tidal flow was approximately 1 km/h southbound (outbound from fjord as expected during falling tide).
. Estero del Medio and Rio del Medio (GPT28P Option 5D): During low tide we paddled and pulled our packrafts about 650 m upstream. After a rather try period the river was slow enough to paddle partially upstream. Packrafters with the appetite to explore an rarely visited lake may paddle and pull the packraft 4 km upstream to reach Laguna del Medio. This is best attempted during high tide to facilitate the upstream paddling. There is a settler south of Isla Colono where packrafters may ask to camp one night (well maintained pasture).
. Isla Jewet to Punta Swart: This scenic arm of Seno Gala is worth the detour. The end of this fjord looks more like a mountain lake than a fjord. An abandoned house whitenesses a recent but failed attempt to settle in this area. Due to a lack of suitable camp sites we installed our tents on a rock just above sea level at the end of the fjord. The view was amazing and calm weather made a wind protection irrelevant.
Archeological discoveries indicate that the native sea nomads valued these waters and buried their deceased family members in a hidden cave in this area.
. Punta Gonzalez to Islote Salvo: While we paddled Seno Gala in perfect conditions (no wind, no waves, sunshine) a group a dolphins accompanied us for one hour while hunting fish (or we accompanied them and the dolphins did not care).
. Brazo Poza de Oro: This scenic 3 km long arm has three tiny narrows and is best visited just before high tide. While the tide is rising or falling moderate rapids form at these narrows.
The hermit settle at “Settler {28P-05C} [0.3/7]” apparently loves his self-chosen isolation and did not permit us to camp one night on the only suitable patch of grass in this area. Therefore we searched a suitable campsite on the opposite shore just west of Punta Campos.
. Punta Campos: We searched some time for a suitable spot to pitch two tents on the beach just west of Punta Campos. Since all beaches are occasionally flooded during high tide we searched for a reasonable flat spots in between the trees. Eventually we found a suitable spot behind the first line of trees and cleaned with machetes two camp sites. We were surprised to see a collapsed house hidden in the trees. On this beach mussels (almejas) can be digged out during low tide and cooked for dinner (we cooked seafood pasta with freshly harvested mussels).
. Villa Melimoyu: A 4.5 km short road connects the eastern end of Seno Gala with Seno Melimoyu where the ferry between Quellon and Puerto Chacabuco stops 4 times per week (two southbound and two northbound stops per week). The tiny village has currently about 50 inhabitants. Pia Jose Rojo Moreira runs a hostería near Seno Melimoyu and recently build a beautiful dome-shaped cabaña near Seno Gala. This dome-shaped cabaña provides a perfect view into Seno Gala and was our shared home for one night (solar electricity, wifi, accommodates 4 persons comfortably). A small shop and craft beer brewery permits to resupply essentials.
. Conclusion 1: The ferry between Quellon and Puerto Chacabuco is also a very good choice for hikers that wish to travel and see the Patagonian fjords.
. Conclusion 2: Packrafting in Patagonia works best with an opportunistic attitude and flexible plans that are constantly adopted to the actual weather and the latest weather prediction. With an inflexible linar plan someone gets easily “stuck” due to unsuitable wind and weather.
. Conclusion 3: The generally good wind protection, the minor to moderate tidal flows and the easy access by ferry makes Seno Gala a suitable location for packrafters with little to no fjord experience (like the fjords Estuario de Reloncavi, Pitipalena and the Canal Puyuhuapi). The relative short distances can be managed with slower single packrafts. Of cause, wind can be quite strong at times and packrafters must check the weather forecast and be prepared to sit out unsuitable weather if needed. A machete is highly recommended to open a spot for a tent if needed.
. Conclusion 4: A machete is an essential tool when paddling in unpopulated fjords (Pitipalena, Seno Gala, Fiordo Comau, Canal Refugio, Canal Jacaf, Isla Magdalena) to clean a camp site that is slightly elevated above the high tide water level. In unpopulated Patagonian fjords every square meter that is not occasionally flooded by sea water is covered by trees and dense undergrowth. In such areas the best camp sites are the spots that cannot be seen from the water and that are fully hidden between larger trees a few meters from the coast in slightly sloped terrain. Try to camp at least one meters above the high tide level (the line where flood wood and floating garbage accumulated). Two or more meter are even better as tsunamis can form during earthquakes and landslides.
Only along populated fjords a machete is not required (Estuario de Reloncavi, Canal Puyuhuapi between Puerto Cisnes and Puyuhuapi).
. Conclusion 5: While traveling by ferry from Villa Melimoyu via Raul Marin Balmaceda to Quellon we had sunny and very calm weather. Inside the fjords were no waves and the ferry moved perfectly smooth like on rails. But while crossing from Raul Marin Balmaceda to Quellon the ferry was rolling heavily. The waves apparently formed far away in the open Pacific Ocean an in the 40 km wide “gap” between Isla Gran Guayteca (Melinka) and Chiloe these waves rolled in unhindered and hit the coast between Santo Domingo and Parque Nacional Corcovado. The waves itself were long and did not break on the open sea but such long waves cause dangerous surfs along the coast making it hard or impossible to exit or enter the water by packraft. Therefore packrafting between Santo Domingo and Chaiten is very challenging and wave conditions are hard to predict even if the weather is perfect. Therefore these routes are classified as EXP-loration or EXP-pedition routes.
. Conclusion 6: Joining with other hikers and packrafters for a section or two is normally a brilliant and enlightening experience. Previous Facebook post help to understand special interests and skills of other hikers and packrafters. This helps to “guesstimate” if joining for a few days is likely to work out or not.
Temporarily joining others for a section or two is best done weeks after starting to travel on the GPT (with your well-known travel partner or solo). Based on my observations looking for (unfamiliar) travel partner(s) before even commencing on the GPT rarely works out well.
. Conclusion 7: A decked tandem (double) packrafter is the best packraft type for fjords and larger lakes. Single packrafts are substantially slower and less suitable for longer traverses. Single packrafts are favorable on rivers especially when choosing rivers with whitewater sections.
. Conclusion 8: Before harvesting and eating seafood ask locals if the seafood is safe to eat. Occasionally toxic algae spreads in the fjords making seafood highly toxic. („mares roja“)
Season 2019/20
- 2020-Jan-24 / Shaun / Regular Packrafting Route
I paddled the regular routes of GPT27P and GPT28P as part of one trip, and my combined comments for both are under section GPT27P.
- GPT28P / Option 1 / Isla Magdalena via Seno Magdalena, Seno Soto, Canal Jacaf and Canal Puyuhuapi / 2020-Jan-17 / 5 days /
Meylin Elisabeth Ubilla González and Jan Dudeck
We just completed the 10th packrafting route exploration this season, but this time with excellent weather throughout the entire 5-day trip.
Around 2 years ago, when starting to plan the packrafting sea routes two fjords of Isla Magdalena caught my attention. These two fjords penetrated deep into this island and nearly join each other at both ends deep inside the island. It’s just over 1 km of land that separates these two seawater channels. These two fjords are of interest for packrafting as both fjords provide more wind protection than the wide open channels Jacaf and Puyuhuapi. It appeared therefore favorable to link these two fjords into the packrafting route from Villa Melimoyu to Puerto Cisnes. The big question mark was primarily the roughly 1 km long portage.
To investigate this route we started in Puerto Cisnes as this would facilitate a return in case the portage proved not feasible. We could also speak to various people in Puerto Cisnes before attempting a traverse. One settler that owns large plots of land on Isla Magdalena was the best source of information. He stated that many years ago a basic trail existed between the fjords but that this trail is now completely overgrown. But he was optimistic that with machetes someone may make the traverse in about one day.
Puerto Cisnes to Seno Magdalena:
A challenge might be the crossing of the 5 km wide Canal Puyuhuapi depending on wind and tidal flows. This is best done in the early morning on a calm day. Also tidal flows should be considered. During falling tide the tidal flow in Canal Puyuhuapi between Puerto Cisnes and Canal Jacaf seams northbound; during rising tide southbound.
In the 17 km long Seno Magdalena the predominant wind is eastbound what favors the generally recommended travel direction from Villa Melimoyu to Puerto Cisnes. A couple of salmon farms are currently located in this fjord. One larger building on the southern shore of this fjord seams to house the employees.
Towards the western terminus of Seno Magdalena we spotted 3 buildings from settlers, with possibly one of them abandoned. A other two homes or puestos appear occasionally used. Especially the terminus of Seno Magdalena is well sheltered and particular scenic.
Portage from Seno Magdalena to Seno Soto:
We pitched our tend around 2 m above the high tide sea level in the forest after cleaning a flat patch with our machetes. This became our base for two nights as we needed one full day to smash a new provisional trail into the forest.
The Valdivian Rainforest in this traverse turned out to be reasonable open (high trees generate in good parts sufficient shade to limit growth on the ground). The traverse is also free of rocky terrain and swamps could be circumvented. Only few shorter steep ascends and descends were required. Also the ground was normally not covered by multiple layers of fallen trees so we could walk mostly on the ground without balancing over fallen trunks. Therefore we could smash a decent 1 km long trail in one day into the forest till a small lake (9 h going, 2 h returning, 2 persons with one machete each). The next day we walked with our heavy backpacks in 2 hours to this small lake, crossed the lake by packraft and cleaned in 2 hours the final 130 m to the shore of Seno Soto. This provisional trail will soon become overgrown if not maintained by an occasional packrafter with a machete.
Seno Soto:
This scenic and well sheltered 19 km long fjord was a packrafting delight. This fjord appeared free of human intervention (no salmon farms or boat traffic). Here the wind direction will depend on weather (northbound and southbound wind not uncommon). We spotted some penguins, numerous dolphins and plenty of sea lions.
Canal Jacaf:
In Canal Jacaf boat traffic is frequent. During this and our last trip I estimated that every 15 to 30 Minutes a boat was passing by. In the eastern section of Canal Jacaf the tidal flow during falling tide was westbound and reached even next to the shore 3 km/h. Sea maps indicate up to 3 kn tidal flow (nearly 6 km/h).
Canal Puyuhuapi:
When entering Canal Puyuhuapi a decision must be taken to continue either to Puyuhuapi or Puerto Cisnes. Both towns are in 25 km distance and hot springs are on the way along shore in each direction. On the way to Puerto Cisnes two free hot springs are on the eastern shore of Isla Magdalena. On the way to Puyuhuapi two commercialized thermal springs are located.
- GPT28P / Villa Melimoyu to Puerto Cisnes(Part of Option 1: Seno Gala, Canal Jacaf, Canal Puyuhuapi) / 2019-Nov-20 / 3 days / Meylin Ubilla & Jan Dudeck
3 or 4 years ago - after packrafting the Rio Palena - we took the ferry from Raul Marin Balmaceda to Puerto Cisnes that passes 170 km along the Patagonian fjords. It was a calm sunny day, I spend most of the ferry ride on the deck and I was obviously thinking if these fjords can be packrafted.
Now we did it except the first 33 km that traverse the exposed Golfo de Corcovado (see my last post to GPT28P).
Required gear:
We did the traverse with different packrafting gear than we used 4 years ago. We now have a two-seater MRS Barracuda with an integrated spreydeck and two kayak paddles. We waited twice a day for a suitable weather window and enjoyed this demanding but rewarding packrafting route at the fullest.
Attempting any traverse of significant length with an open packraft in the Patagonian fjords is not a sign of bravery but stupidity. Wind and waves can suddenly increase, fill the packraft with water and without any exit location nearby you are helplessly exposed to the currents with little control of where you are going. Only few selected fjord routes with plenty of beaches and exit locations can be safely packrafted with on open packraft (i.e. GPT22 or GPT76).
The general strategy in these fjords is: “Wait, run and hide!”. 1. Wait near the start while following the weather forecast closely with everything ready to go (gear, food). 2. If a suitable weather window opens, leave early and “run“ with a minimum of breaks and leisure stops until either the wind or the evening stops you. 3. Hide in a sheltered location high enough the high-tide water line. Be prepared with sufficient food to possibly stay for days in your hiding location.
Dolphins, sea-lions and penguins room the se fjords.
Human life:
At the exit of Seno Gala is the small fishing settlement Isla Gala but predominant wind makes it often difficult to access this tiny village. At the eastern shore of Canal Puyuhuapi are various settlements with easy access from the sea and perfect camp sites. Within Canal Jacaf are no further settlements but a number of permanently maned salmon farms. The entire route is frequently used by boats with the majority of the traffic created by the salmon farms and fishing but asking to be evacuated by one of these boats should be a last resort and not part of the travel plan.
We we’re fortunate and enjoyed 3 exceptional calm days with moderate wind and waves (about 1 m) in only two shorter open sections. Wind in these channels can be firce making navigating by packraft in these waters impossible.
Currents and tidal flows:
According to sea maps the water speed in the canal Jacaf can reach 5 kn (9 km/h) but we experienced this part rather static. But we struggled after leaving canal Jacaf in the canal Puyuhuapi going southbound. During 6 hours with a falling tide we paddled against a consistent northbound flow of around 1 to 1.5 kn (1.5 to 2.5 km/h). My impression was that this is not a reversing tidal flow but a general current.
Land exists:
The generally steep cost results in only few suitable landing beaches. And the forrest reaches right down to the high-tide line. The track files contain several decent beaches where camping seams more comfortable if hiding in the trees behind the open beach.
- GPT28P / Packrafting from Santo Domingo to Villa Melimoyu (Part of Option 1) / 2019-Nov-18 / 1 day / Southbound / Meylin Ubilla & Jan Dudeck
We now verified the suggested packrafting route from Santo Domingo to Villa Melimoyu that I first considered packrafting when taking this route by ferry after floating down Rio Palena.
This is an very attractive but exposed fjord route. Dolphins, sea lions, penguins and lots of birds habitat this area.
Waiting for suitable weather (especially calm wind) and a close eye on the weather forecast is essential.
For this traverse a packraft with a spreydeck and should not be attempted with an classic open packraft. A sail is very beneficial and makes this traverse safer as you can reach a sheltered location faster in case of increasing wind.
The Isla Refugio provides a reasonable good wind protection on a good part of this route but the last 6 km are rather open and wind and waves can make this stretch a nightmare.
The about one dozen islands just before the the final open stretch provide some emergency shelter and you can pick your private island to sit out unsuitable weather before reaching Villa Melimoyu. But don't expect sandy beaches and palme trees on these island. To make an emergency shelter you need to carry sufficient sweat water, a machete to open a small spot and probably a hammock to stay above the high tide water level.
The tiny settlements on both ends of this route are worthwhile visiting especially when able to converse with the settlers. Both locations are suitable to sit out days of unsuitable weather.
Southbound seams the preferable direction due to typical wind direction and tidal flows according to locals. It worked perfectly for us. Only in case of less frequent “viento sur” a northbound traverse becomes feasible.
The Naviera Austral ferry route “Ruta Cordillera” connects twice per week southbound (and twice per week nothbound) Raul Marin Balmaceda with Santo Domingo and continues to from Santo Domingo to Villa Melimoyu, Isla Gala, Puerto Cisnes and Puerto Chacabuco. The ferry requires about 1:30 h for the short ride from Raul Marin Balmaceda to Santo Domingo.
Packrafting the 20 km from Rio Palena (next to Raul Marin Balmaceda) to Santo Domingo might be feasible on a perfect day if starting with the first light in the morning but this water route is a serious packrafting challenge as this water route traverse the unprotected Golfo de Corcovado. There are probably not more than a dozen such perfect days per season so either be very patient or take the next ferry. One of the bays along this unprotected route is named “Bahia Mala” (Bad Bay) and this seams no randomly chosen name. But when entering the “Canal Refugio“ (another well descriptive name) the wind and waves get suddenly a lot calmer. At the mouth of this more sheltered channel is the tiny settlement Santo Domingo that was founded some decades ago. Arriving here by ferry seams the rational choice if not willing to wait days or weeks for a suitable weather window.
- GPT28P / Exploration Fjord Pitipalena (Part of Option 2) / 2019-11-14 / 3 days / Meylin Ubilla & Jan Dudeck
We packrafted in the last 3 days the Fjord Pitipalena from Raul Marin Balmaceda (Puerto Marin or RMB) to the northern terminus of Brazo Pillan (Point B of attached map) and returned in two days back to Puerto Marin.
In the fjord sightings of penguins, sea lions and dolphins are frequent.
Tidal flows can reach in some parts 4 km/h but typically do not exceed 1 km/h.
As in all open waters wind and waves can be fierce but calm days are not uncommon due to the protection of the surrounding mountains. Be prepared to sit out days of bad weather in one of the few sheltered areas on the coast. We spend one night hanging in the trees with torrential rain and heavy gusty wind. On the last km back we were fighting heavy gusts of wind to return back to the village.
Meeting Rodrigo Parra was one highlight of this tour. He is the last settlers outside of Puerto Marin in this fjord. Location see image.
Decades ago this fjord was well populated with hundreds of settlers living at various shores of this fjord to harvest algae and some settlers attempted to grow cattle. All but one settler retreated and nature wiped out virtually all traces of these settlements.
We also investigated the area between the northern terminus of Brazo Pillan and Rio TicToc. Decades ago an well established trail crossed this 1.3 km land connection but this trail disappeared in most parts and is overgrown by dense but not impassable forest. I covered about 450 m in 1.5 hours noticing parts of an old trail or simply the machete battle field of packrafters or kayakers in this dense forest. This route to Rio TicToc is still occasionally taken by highly experienced sea kajakers or packrafters to access Parque Corcovado.
The exploration route from Rio TioTic to Chaiten follows the very exposed coast of the Golfo Corcovado. To cover the approximately 80 km from the mouth of Rio TicToc to Chaiten it needs plenty of sea-traveling experience, lots of patience and plenty of food to spend most of the time waiting for the occasional good-weather-window. I’m not sure if I better remove this route from the GPT network as a packraft traverse seams currently pretty fooled to me. I at least, have currently no desire to explore this route in the next years.
Season 2018/19
- GPT27P and 28P (Alto and Bajo Rio Palena) Packrafting Westbound (😉): Palena to Raul Marin Balmaceda 2019-Jan-01 to 2019-Jan-04
[Comments posted on Facebook by Jen Ni on January 5 2019]
Our impression was that the river can be separated into 5 subsections, each with different character. All parts are attractive and felt quite remote. For camping you generally have the choice between sandy/rocky river banks and farm land.
1. (0-25km) Small river, many rapids: In this subsection the river is still relatively small and often shallow, ground contact can be a serious issue. At least every kilometer there's a small rapid (usually WW-1, sometimes class 2). There are many more rapids than mapped and those are not necessarily the most difficult. Usually the rapids are only deep enough to be run in a narrow part where the main current is. We only had problems with one rapid at Lat -43.62009 Lon -71.86343 where a tree blocked the main current making it impossible to run safely. The most difficult two rapids (class 2+) are at 22km (2km after the ferry) where many large rocks in the middle of the river make scouting and very precise maneuvering necessary. Depending on water levels they may not be runnable at all. Both rapids can be viewed and portaged (individually or together) by taking out on the beach on the left side. The river flowed with ~5kph.
2. (25-65km) Small river, few rapids, many trees: By now the river has grown a bit and ground contact becomes less of an issue. There are noticably fewer rapids and the largest challenge becomes maneuvering between the many trees lying in the water. The average velocity of the current was actually a bit higher than before.
3. (65-105km) Fast and medium-sized river with few obstacles: After Río Frío has joined the river at the 180° turn the river grows significantly and ground contact is almost no more issue. In this subsection, the river flows fastest (8kph) and we had a lot of fun with the relatively easy and broad rapids here. There are fewer trees in the water that can be easily avoided in the broad river. We found a lovely campsite on grass that did not seem to be used for grazing at Lat -43.89160 Lon -72.37914.
4. (105-155km) Big river, fast current: Close to La Junta, the river is joined by Río Rosselot and becomes huge and mostly calm. We were surprised to see that it still flows with high velocity (5-8kph) and still has a noticable gradient that makes progress fast. The few trees can be easily avoided but may be difficult to spot sometimes. The main challenge that may arise here are strong head winds that make maneuvering quite difficult.
5. (155km-sea) Big and slow river, tidal effects: Starting at the large 270° loop, the massive river becomes noticably slower (2-3kph) and wind and tidal effects determine the speed of your progress. We found that the tides are approx. 30min after the times shown for Pto. Montt by the Android app (by 7th gear). Paddling here feels more like being on a lake and waves build up due to the wind.
Channel between Río Palena and fjord: We explored the first channel but turned around after 200m because it is overgrown by trees and too narrow to safely pass. We then followed the regular route and paddled through the second channel, which is much wider and still has 1-2kph current (possibly due to falling tide?), into the fjord.
Fjord: Due to the breathtaking scenery and the remoteness of the fjord it is definitely worth paddling to the town instead of taking the road if possible. We also saw several dolphins and many birds here. The tides are very relevant here and cause currents of several kph. Make sure to not paddle this during rising tide (or very strong winds).
A few infos about Raul Marin Balmaceda: - There is a bus to La Junta on Sun 12:00 and Tue, Wed, Fri 8:00 and to Coyhaique on Sun 8:00 - There is only Entel cell phone service and no ATM - There are several small supermarkets as well as lodging options and 2 restaurants - Ferry tickets can be bought online or directly at the Naviera Austral office in town
Season 2017/18
- Route description by Kara Davis after Season 2017/18:
Río Palena continues to steadily grow as it makes its way towards the ocean. This section has noticeably fewer rapids, and mostly consists of calm, slow moving water. Camping is abundant and easy to find. There are many rocky beaches that lead to flat grassy or sandy land. Within 20 km or so from the ocean, tidal effects on the river current are noticeable. Check a tidal timetable before embarking to get an idea of good times to paddle. If the wind or tides makes paddling impracticable, it is possible to reach Ruta X-12, a dirt road which follows the river and leads to Puerto Raúl Marín Balmaceda.
Notes for Travel to Puerto Chacabuco (Beginning of GPT29P): There are two options for transportation to Puerto Chacabuco:
1. Ferry
Book your tickets on the ferry from Puerto R.M. Balmaceda to Puerto Chacabuco in advance here:
The ferry is a popular travel option and only runs a couple days during the week. It is also possible to purchase tickets at the local grocery store, but be prepared to wait for several days if you decide to do this.
2. Three Buses and a Taxi
There is also an option to take a series of shuttles to Puerto Chacabuco. This is a cheaper but certainly less enjoyable and more time consuming option. The series of shuttles required to get from Puerto R.M. Balmaceda to Puerto Chacabuco are as follows:
a. There is a van that runs from Puerto R.M. Balmaceda to La Junta twice a day which leaves from the ferry port (trip time ~3 hours). The tourist information station in Puerto R.M. Balmaceda can give you times and details about tickets.
b. From La Junta, there's a bus to Coyhaique that usually only runs once a day (trip time ~5 hours). Tickets may be bought before hand at the local depot (ask the tourist information center for directions). One company that offers transportation by bus from La Junta to Coyhaique is Aguilas Patagónicas. See their website here:
c. From Coyhaique, catch one of the many buses traveling to Puerto Aysen.
d. The final step is to hire a taxi (about 500 CLP) to Puerto Chacabuco. There is a pickup/dropoff location along highway 240 just outside of the Unimart.
Town: Puerto Raúl Marín (R.M.) Balmaceda
Puerto R.M. Balmaceda has a few lodging options and lots of open ground for camping. There are a couple of expensive markets that could meet resupply needs, but Coyhaique or Puerto Aysen definitely have better options.
Resupply and Accommodation
Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns
- Raul Marin Balmaceda has a few food shops, lodging options and bus services.
But Coyhaique or Puerto Aysen definitely have better options.
Resupply and Accommodation along the Route
- 2021 / GPT28P Option 5:
Villa Melimoyu: The tiny village has currently about 50 inhabitants. Pia Jose Rojo Moreira runs a hostería near Seno Melimoyu and recently build a beautiful dome-shaped cabaña near Seno Gala. This dome-shaped cabaña provides a perfect view into Seno Gala and was our shared home for one night (solar electricity, wifi, accommodates 4 persons comfortably). A small shop and craft beer brewery permits to resupply essentials.
Transport to and from Route
- A bus runs several times a week to La Junta from where connections to elsewhere can easily be made.
- 2021 /GPT28P Option 5
Navieraustral operates the ferry “Queulat” that travels twice per week the fjords between Quellon and Puerto Chacabuco (and back) and that stops at all the villages and settlements en route.
- 2019 /Meylin Ubilla & Jan Dudeck
The Naviera Austral ferry route “Ruta Cordillera” connects twice per week southbound (and twice per week nothbound) Raul Marin Balmaceda with Santo Domingo and continues to from Santo Domingo to Villa Melimoyu, Isla Gala, Puerto Cisnes and Puerto Chacabuco. The ferry requires about 1:30 h for the short ride from Raul Marin Balmaceda to Santo Domingo.
- A scenic ferry runs south twice a week (Thursdays and Sundays) to Puerto Cisnes (11 hours) and onto Puerto Chacabuco. There is also a service northwards to Quellon. Tickets can be bought online or at a grocery store in town.
- 2017 / Kara Davis
Notes for Travel to Puerto Chacabuco (Beginning of GPT29P): There are two options for transportation to Puerto Chacabuco:
1. Ferry Book your tickets on the ferry from Puerto R.M. Balmaceda to Puerto Chacabuco in advance here: The ferry is a popular travel option and only runs a couple days during the week. It is also possible to purchase tickets at the local grocery store, but be prepared to wait for several days if you decide to do this.
2. Three Buses and a Taxi There is also an option to take a series of shuttles to Puerto Chacabuco. This is a cheaper but certainly less enjoyable and more time consuming option. The series of shuttles required to get from Puerto R.M. Balmaceda to Puerto Chacabuco are as follows: a. There is a van that runs from Puerto R.M. Balmaceda to La Junta twice a day which leaves from the ferry port (trip time ~3 hours). The tourist information station in Puerto R.M. Balmaceda can give you times and details about tickets. b. From La Junta, there's a bus to Coyhaique that usually only runs once a day (trip time ~5 hours). Tickets may be bought before hand at the local depot (ask the tourist information center for directions). One company that offers transportation by bus from La Junta to Coyhaique is Aguilas Patagónicas. See their website here: c. From Coyhaique, catch one of the many buses traveling to Puerto Aysen. d. The final step is to hire a taxi (about 500 CLP) to Puerto Chacabuco. There is a pickup/dropoff location along highway 240 just outside of the Unimart.
Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues
Links to other Resources
Retired Section Article GPT28P - Bajo Río Palena