
ENG:Laguna Azul

3439 bytes añadidos, 21:48 20 jun 2019
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[[en:ENG:Laguna Azul]]
[[File:Volcan Quetrupillan (32).jpg|thumb|South-Western Faldeos of the [[Quetrupillán Volcano]], looking northeast (note that the walker goes in the direction of return, from Laguna Azul to Paraíso Escondido)]]
== General Description ==
An excellent trek for the day. Ideal for vacationers of Pucón nuances the holidays with a different day. It includes a walk through the coigüe forest, araucarias, a walk over the limit of the vegetation at the foot of the [[Quetrupillán Volcano]], a sublime view of the [[Volcán Villarrica Volcano]] and a very good view of the [[Volcán Lanín Volcano]] ] The final destination is compensated with a waterfall on the edge of a little-visited mountain lagoon.
== Appropriate time ==
* '''Trekking''': November to April. Although in November and December there will still be enough snow in some sections. In January, the problem will be annoying [[Glossary # C | coliguachos]], which at times can be really uncomfortable.
* '''Randonnée''': June to September. Only in the middle of winter will it be possible to find Hidden Paradise with snow, thus dispensing with loading the skis.
{{Quetrupillan access}}== Access ==From Pucón you must take route 199 (international road) in the direction of Curarrehue. Approximately at km 20 it turns to the right towards the Villarrica National Park. It is recommended to set the mileage to zero. The road, gravel in [[state of the road | good condition]], increases progressively. At Km. 10.9 there is a detour to the Palguín hot springs on the right ($ 7,000 each). Continue on the left. At Km 13.6 you should leave the main road and take a small detour to the left, towards the parcels of "Hidden Paradise". 400 meters further on there is a gate, normally open. If there is a guard, you must indicate that you will go to Fundo Porvenir. An estuary is then crossed, and it continues ascending. At km 14.6 there is a fork: take the LEFT. At km 15,1 there is another fork: again LEFT. The road is now gravel in [[state of the road | regular state]]. At km 16.7 there is a third fork: again, take the LEFT, following the sign that says "Al Mocho". The last section is the roughest. At km 17.9, you reach Fundo Porvenir (it has a gate and a sign) where you can enter and park the car. There is the house of the Ulloa Family. If you have a GPS device you can use the following file to get from the detour on route 199 to Fundo Porvenir: * [[Media: Camino_Fundo_Porvenir.kml | Path Fundo Provenir]].  === In public transport and hitchhiking === There is no public transport to Fundo Porvenir. There is the possibility of taking one of the frequent buses that connect Pucón with Curarrehue (700 pesos for the entire trip) and get off at the intersection between route 199 and the road that starts towards the Villarrica National Park (and also towards the farm). From that point it would be necessary to continue in a private vehicle, which seems difficult, but nothing is impossible.
== Description of the route ==
[[File:Volcan Quetrupillan (52).jpg|thumb|Extremo sur de Laguna Azul]]
The route starts at Fundo Porvenir (1040 masl), from the side of the Ulloa family's house, the owners of the property.
You must start the walk in direction E (the volcano is seen in the background). A few meters from the start of the walk, immediately after crossing the barbed wire that closes the Ulloa garden, there is a sign: to the right, by a narrow path, it is towards Blue Lagoon. If you continue straight, you will go to the summit of [[Quetrupillán Volcano]] and [[Circuito Quetrupillán Circuit - Laguna Blanca - Blue LagoonLaguna Azul]]
The route loses part with a little slope advancing towards the southeast, and runs parallel to a stream. A few hundred meters, however, the vegetation becomes denser and the slope greater.
== Expected Time ==
Consider 4.5 to 5 hours of promotion, and 3.5 hours of return.
There is a conflict regarding charges for use of the trail. There are two owners, currently in legal dispute, through which the trail passes. The owners of Fundo Porvenir could only charge for the use of the bathrooms and parking. As of January 2018, {{Quetrupillan Permitspesos to dollars | 3000}}per person is charged. The rest of the trail, even before reaching the Villarrica National Park, is owned by another owner. Depending on the luck, you can meet the guy (called Rodrigo) who currently charges the "right to step" (be careful with him, says being the representative of society, walks on horseback, is armed with a gun and machete and with a Akita race dog and another mestizo). According to the instruction that he gives, the property belongs to a company called Campo la Montaña, it must be notified 24 hours in advance. The access value is {{pesos to dollars | 5000}}. The notice must be made to the mobile +56999786153 and emails and For payment, deposit or transfer of funds can be made to the current account of Banco Santander No. 65-66275-2 under the name of Asesorías e Inversiones Lito S.A., RUT 76.147.759-5. Once the payment is informed, a document of release of civil liability will be sent via e-mail, which must be delivered signed at the moment of starting the promotion, or else carry this document in case of meeting the caregiver. Those who do not comply with this requirement and are not registered will not be allowed to enter the access path. It is also possible to camp in Fundo Porvenir. It charges $ 5,000 per person per night, but is only charged if you camp on the same farm. 
== Recommendations ==
{{Checklist | Type 1 equipment checklist: low altitude route, without camping, snow or cold}}
* For much of the year, the route is covered in snow. It is much more challenging to make this route when the path is not visible. Special attention should be paid to the sharp turn to the southeast.
{{trekkings Chile}}