
GPT68 (Tolhuin)

13 bytes añadidos, 1 abril
Season 2023/24
Frank partly on RR flip flop Dec 19-21 2023 and Jan 23 to 25 2024 6 days (4 full days and 4 half days including walkout after the hike)
1. I talked to the carabineros at Pampa Guanaco and they allowed me to walk to the border which is currently was then closed. It is now open. Very little traffic but I hitched a lift for about 8KM with a worker from Estancia Bellavista which is near the border. Walked back and camped at Pampa Guanaco. The next day I hitched to Rio Grande via the San Sebastian border.
2. From Tolhuin I walked inland on roads to Laguna Negra & hitched back. You can walk from Tolhuin along Lago Fagnano to Laguna Negra which is nicer but a few KM longer. Laguna Negra is seperated from Lago Fagnano by a gravel reef. There is an alternative route along the reef (OH-BB&CC-A) but the reef has a small breach you would need to ford.